Wednesday 16 September 2015

Floyd Mayweather: 'I always knew what i wanted'

'I always knew what I wanted to do. I had a game plan. I'm 10 steps ahead of any fighter.
My career is over. It's official. I'm financially secure and i'm in good health. I'm leaving with all my faculties, I'm still sharp and smart. I've accomplished everything, there's nothing else to accomplish. ' - Floyd Mayweather

Ladies and gentlemen, this was his signing off statement from professional boxing as he had planned, going out unbeaten and on his own terms as 'The Best Ever' after improving his career record to 49-0.

This is a statement of fulfilment but not everyone will be able to talk like this at the end of the day.
Only those who discovered who they are, had a plan, worked out the plan and ignored distractions will be able to stand and speak in this fulfilled manner.

Up till now, do you know who you are?
Do you know what you want to do with your life?
Do you have a plan?
Are you following your plan?
Are you focused?
Are you confident in yourself?
How are you treating the negative voices around you?

Floyd, is one of the most hated boxers in the world, even those who do not follow boxing hate him as an individual, for his arrogance and flamboyance. But he does not care. He worked hard for everything he has achieved. He had his eyes only on his goal.
Today, he's finished. Complete. Fulfilled. He's making the headlines and they are reading about it.

So I recap:
Discover yourself
Set a plan
Work your plan
Be focused
Ignore side distractions
Be confident
Be positive

Good morning


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