Wednesday 16 September 2015

RE: Texas County clerk jailed over gay marriage stance


I'm a Christian. I have given my life to Christ. I believe in the word of God. I'm not brainwashed.

RE: Texas County clerk jailed over gay marriage stance. These are my submissions.

1. The State is secular. I.e a nation ruled by written secular laws established by the people and their representatives.
There's an Article within the constitution which refers it as that the supreme law of the land, and not the bible.  There's an amendment within this Constitution which not only protected individual's religious freedoms, but also prevented the government from imposing religion on others.

2. Kim Davis, the County Clerk was employed by the State and she swore by the same Constitution to abide by it in the discharge of her duties.

3. She was being paid to carry out certain responsibilities, part of which is to issue marriage licences under the provisions of the secular laws, not according to her own religious beliefs.  

4. Is she right about the belief she holds? Yes. The bible opposes homosexuality and marriage as ordained by God is between a man and a woman. It is a sin and abomination. Leveticus18:22, 20:13, Gen2:18-25

5. Is she right the way she had gone about it by refusing to work while still retaining her job? No. She did not follow the instruction in the bible in Rom13:1, which called for respect for authority, especially the one paying her $80k a year to do her job.

6.  At the point she discovered that the decision of the State to allow Gay couples marry was detrimental to her own religious beliefs, she has a right within the laws to resign her position for being unable to carry out tasks which negates her own religious beliefs, and she'll not be prosecuted for taking such a decision.
She was also offered other options part of which, she should allow the other clerks under her who do not share her religious belief carry on with the issuing of licences without her involvement, and she refused.
In doing this, I think she has also violated the same offence of religious liberty by imposing her personal religious views on others.  She refused to do her job, vacate the position or allow others to do the job she has refused to do. This is insurbodination and violation of the law of the land, and this is why she was jailed.  Now, if she were to resign as county clerk, then she is Kim Davis, Private Citizen and she can object to gay marriage all she likes.
I don't see her as being persecuted, rather she was the one who has  failed to differentiate between the freedom to exercise her religion and her responsibility as an agent of the state to carry out the law.

7. Jesus Christ laid an example for us in Mark 12:14-17. Matt 17:24-27. He could have told his disciples to ignore because their kingdom is not of this world. But he respected the authority of the land as established by God.

8. The bible did not encourage us to go about causing uprising and raising divisions in the city and towns because the laws of the land do not favour us. It told us just NOT TO CONFORM. Rom12:2.
We must understand that being in the world, but not of it, is necessary if we are to be a light to those who are in spiritual darkness. We are to live in such a way that those outside the faith see our good deeds and our manner and know that there is something “different” about us. Christians who make every effort to live, think and act like those who do not know Christ do Him a great disservice. Even the unbelievers knows that “by their fruits you shall know them,” and as Christians, we should exhibit the fruit of the Spirit within us. Daniel chose not to eat of the king's recommended diet. He did not go about complaining about what they were being served neither did he insist that the others be served the same as his. He simply decided not to eat. She wants to carry on eating while appearing different from the rest.

9. Homosexuality is a sin 100%, but it's just a sin like every other ones we ignore. It carries the same spiritual punishment of DEATH like the rest of sins e.g stealing, fornication, adultery, lying, back biting, forgery, false witnesses etc.
Satan is the ruler of this cosmos and he'll keep pushing agendas that'll make believers uncomfortable. The onus is on us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
Many of us condemning homosexuals are still liars, benefit cheats, forgers of timesheets, make fraudulent tax submissions, make false insurance claims etc. We are no different from the homosexuals. If we do not repent our ways, we'll all end up in the same place- HELL!

10. No law has been passed yet that churches  should not preach the truth in the word of God as it regards homosexuality.
No law has been passed yet FORCING the priests to marry gay couples in their places of worship, something which negates one of the core beliefs of their faith. When any of these happen, then we can start to talk about persecution.

State laws differ from country to country. Nigeria for example has a law prohibiting the practise of homosexuality, while it's an acceptable practise in USA and UK. This is a reflection of individual countries' values and culture. That's why each country is a soverign state.

I submit.


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