Sunday 27 September 2015

Effective communication

Sharout to those people who think it's rude for somebody to send them sms or email instead of making a call to pass the same message.

Communication is an exchange of information between 2 or more people in a manner that the message gets to the intended recipients, and it's understood. The main points are: the message, is delivered, and meaningful.
Ki lo wa ye ko ma fa ibinu? Aye ti lu jara won....effective communication lo se koko bayi, onankona lo de le je- especially the option that is the fastest, cheapest, and simplest.

Some even get angry that they are being sent E-invite rather than the paper invite. Arinfin ko, isiro ni. Printing ti won bayi, and as long as the information to be passed is the same, why waste money? Paper to je wipe e ma so nu lehin Inawo! Kini iyato to wa laarin corn beef ati maalu?

If you know people like this you can tag them. Kii se t'ija o. Ki won le l'oye ni.

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