Sunday 27 September 2015


The enemy does this all the time- he'll possess someone very close to you with the same spirit that's tormenting Diego Costa, to be constantly provoking you over trivials, until you react badly and get red carded.

It's crucial for the enemy to do everything for you to lose because you are playing on his home ground-the Earth, and he knows what is at stake if you come out victorious. He can't stand the shame of losing.

For you to survive the entire period of the match and still claim the prize, you need a coach like the Holy Spirit on your bench.
He knows you are a work-in-progress, so he'll be there calming you down when your nerves become frail. He' ll be shouting orders to you from the touchline not to react to any provocation. 'C'mon....get up and go, 20 more mins,.....10 more mins, are almost there don't lose it', He'll keep giving you instructions on how to beat the enemy at his own game.

If you play this sort of game with a coach who sits on his cushioned chair, and allows you to behave any how you like, you'll get red carded like those who were provoked till they committed GBH. You'll get red carded like those who reacted badly to provocation which led to murder. You'll get red carded like those who lost their minds and committed suicide.

I know this kind of game too well. I have seen many many of it. The enemy is a master at it but I won't fall for his trick. I've got a better coach on my side. My eyes are fixed only on the prize. I take charge of my mind.

You too can do the same- get the Holy Spirit on your team. Keep your eyes focused on the prize ahead. Take charge of your mind.

Game on!


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