Sunday 27 September 2015

Ayekooto Jeremy 'Jagaban' Corbyn

The world hates a man with gut.
The world loathes a man that lives by his principles.
They make friends with a liar and adore the hypocrite
They just love it when we all 'sleep facing the same position'.

'Jeremy Corbyn did not sing the national anthem. He's unpatriotic and a disgrace'. Really? Is that all there is to patriotism? Singing of national anthem? What of pushing policies that'll help the people and the country become better?
Who knows what was going in his mind while he stayed slient. Maybe one of the things he'll be pushing for if he ever becomes the prime minister, is a better and more representative national anthem which will mention the country's values, and the achievement of those who have made this country great.

'He's always slouched in casual clothes. He's not fit to be a leader'.  Really?

I think i'm beginning to take special interest in this man- his gut, style and principles. I think he's another version of Boris Jonhson. They sometimes don't look the part, but they perform-and that's all that matters.

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