Wednesday 16 September 2015

Body Perfect

Sisi mi to fe marry, you spend all your time in the gym doing squating, and toning your abs but you have no HOME values to take into your marriage.
You don't know how to cook, se protein shake lo ma ma fun oko re mu?
You stand in front of the mirror in your room to take body shots of your 'perfect body', but the reflection from the mirror shows the imperfect state of your life- even a pig will refuse to be kept in that your room. O mo itoju inu ile rara!

It's amazing how we have all been deceived into pursuing things that don't matter while we ignore the ones that matters- VALUES.

These female celebs have succeeded in turning their own body defects (what they don't like about themselves) into the standard image ladies should look.
Kim Kadershian has big lips, she made it glamorous that ladies are now filling thier lips with silicon. The poor ones are sucking in Lacasera bottles to get the same effect, while the others simply adopt pout-as-you- go like Victoria Beckham.
Rihanna has big forehead (opon), with receded hairline, many are pursuing that now as well.
The desire to look like Nikki Minaj, with her fake hips and bumbum, has driven every female to the gym to be squating.

Beyonce will come and sing in her record how you as a woman should not submit to the authority of the man (women empowerment) yet it does not seem she's following the same advise in her own marriage. She's using wisdom to build her own home while encouraging you to break yours.
She calls you bitches (e check meaning e), and you are happy! You think it's right because Bey said it! You too proudly refer to yourselves as bitches and behave rightly so! What happens to a name like woman of valour? Ohhh...that's too Victorian innit? Continue.

OK, i'm not encouraging every woman who think it's right to just be eating and fattening up like a Rhino, because that's not even healthy, but there should be a balance.

Eso ode laisi t'inu, osi radarada lasan ni.