Saturday 1 October 2016

User's Template

Are you starting a business, church, NGO?
Do you have an idea but confused on how to launch it?
Do you quickly want to become a boss that cannot be challenged?
Do you think you are being used?
Do you want to know the warning signs to avoid being used?
Do you want to play users at their own game?

Then this post is for you. I bring you the good news of the step by step approach to make your dream come through, or to break free from the traps of the users.

1. Identify people with the set skills, talents and personalities that you require.

2. Sell the idea to them. This is the most critical stage. Do whatever it takes. Say whatever you have to say, even if you don't mean it.

3. Start using them to build. Be very fast at this stage. Use them as much as you can. Play along with them. Tolerate even their excesses and what you hate about them In this period. Just keep on using them.

4. Before they start having any sense of entitlement, disengage and part with them. At this stage you already have what you need. The structure is built. So start acting stubborn. Irritate them. Do whatever it takes to make them leave. Be brutal. Retain the weak and sycophants among them, they'll be references to instil confidence in the minds of the new people you'll be getting that you are loyal.

5. Get fresh people in. People who don't know your story. These are the people who'll give you the respect you want. Since they are coming in to join what has already been built, they'll simply marvel at the great work you have done and worship you. The sycophants you retained will also help boost your ratings with these new sets.

6. Set codes and markers. Lock up their minds. Become a law and authority.

7. Be scarce. Cut communication. If you must communicate use trusted errands. Be the boss.

This approach guarantees 100% success.

In most relationships these days, it's either you are being used or you are using somebody. It's a wicked world.

Oja odaju n'ile aye, o ni lati mo ra.


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