Monday 8 August 2016


Disclaimer: This is written out of my personal meditation and experience. It is a suggestive rather than exhaustive treatise on the subject with the main objective of stimulating readers to the discovery and perception of the truth that- "Satan is the only real enemy of man". I, therefore, will only take responsibility for what I write and not what you understand.



As we have the ABIJALISTIC pastors, so we have the HERBALISTIC believers.

The herbalistic believers are those set of Christians who find the simplistic gospel of Christ too good to be true and effective. In short, Christ is never enough-- there must be some extra things to be done to make it complete.

Can two walk together (hand in hand) unless they agree?
Many members you find in the ABIJALISTIC ministry didn't get there by chance but out of a deliberate and conscious decision influenced their by herbalistic nature.

Descriptive Examples:
The pronouncement, 'go and be made whole' can never work for them until some sort of special water or oil is prepared for them as takeaway, and they have to PAY FOR IT.
To them, silent prayer is no prayer and it cannot be answered until they pray like the worshippers of Baal.
Lastly, their ears are attuned to only certain types of prayer points and you cannot get their attention with prayer points outside this scope.

So from all indications, the ABIJALISTIC ministry is the only kind of ministry where the penchant of the Herbalistic believers for 'ètò'(rituals) and Ohùn /Gbolohun (voice) can be met.

However, what I really want to focus on in this exposé is that common denominator between the ABIJALISTIC pastors and their patrons: ENEMY.
This is the cord that binds them together.


We have only one enemy- Satan. The enemy of God and the accuser of the saints.
All other perceived enemies are your own creations and they'll continue to torment you for as long as you permit their existence in your sub-conscious.

Human beings are not your enemies. Ofcourse there would be people that you don't get along with for whatever reasons, but that does not make them your enemies. Whatever issues you have with them are mere acquaintances disagreement which can be resolved through different means other than praying that God should kill or maim them.

The human enemy you grapple with are just mere tools used by satanic forces to create openings for them to attack you.

So they use human beings to:
provoke you to anger and push you to self-destruct mode
sow seeds of negativity in your life,
source secret information about yourself or plans from you,
give you wrong advises which can lead to stagnation or destruction.

Way out:

Change of belief:
So the first step towards deliverance for the HERBALISTIC believers is to turn their focus away from believing that the human enemy is behind all their problems, and now begin to understand that they are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and wickedness in high places.- Eph 6:12, 2Cor 10:3. This understanding alone will bring about the right kind of prayer points that guarantees answer.

Use of authority:
Secondly, they need to start exercising the authority which was given to them at creation.-Gen 1:26-28. The power is there, only dormant because they don't know they have it. Matt 18:18. The ABIJALISTIC pastors are using these same powers while some are even secret agents of Satan carrying out his destructive instructions.

Choice of weapons:
The weapons of warfare in this kind of battle are not carnal. The blood of the lamb and the words of your confessions are the main weapons that must be in their armoury. Rev 12:11, 2Cor 10:4-5.

Please the Lord in your ways:
The easiest way to maintaining constant victory over these forces without even having to fight is to be please God in your ways. Prov 16:7.

The wisdom of God:
Satan is very wise so you need a superior type of wisdom to overcome him. This type of all -conquering wisdom is only contained in the word of God. His word directs and illuminates. Psalm 119:105, James 1:5.


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