Monday 8 August 2016


Disclaimer: This is written out of my personal meditation and experience. It is a suggestive rather than exhaustive treatise on the subject with the main objective of stimulating readers to the discovery and perception of the truth that- "Your understanding of the word of God determines the way you live your Christian life". I, therefore, will only take responsibility for what I write and not what you understand.


If your understanding of the word of God is wrong, your christianity too will be wrong.
If you wrongly divide the word of God, it's application too will be wrong.

This, I think is why we have some pastors whose modus operandi is akin to the famous ABÌJÀ .

They mask their high level of personal entitlement with 'thus saith the Lord' and bully their congregation into the obedience of their long list of vague tripe full of dark warning, bright promise, and gushing flattery.

What they lack in leadership discernment they cover up by confusing their congregation with non-clear specifics—do this, not that; go here, not there—among the whole lot.

Dare to challenge their authority and see them display the theatrics of ÀJAN, the genie ABÌJÀ often consult, threatening to summon angels from heaven to come down with diggers and shovels to dig the ground to swallow you up.

It is difficult for a believer who has the revelation of the true gospel of Christ to be fully operational in the same while serving under an ABÌJÀLISTIC ministry. Such a believer will always run foul of the authority of the leader who often reach decision that seems right to them--not necessarily the word of God.

Need I also reiterate that believers also face persecution from within the fold.

How to survive as a believer in an ABIJALISTIC MINISTRY:

- Guard your heart. Proverbs 4:23

- Practice humility. Do not flaunt what you know in their faces with air of arrogance. Follow John 3:30 and also pray that they too come into the full knowledge of the true gospel of Christ.

- Do not fear their fear. Isaiah 8:12. Believers under this ministry live in fear of their ABÌJÀ pastor. They dare not flout any of his rules and risk being cursed. Remember, Christ has been cursed for your sake when he was crucified and at his resurrection you have been pronounced blessed, so no other decree can stand.


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