Saturday 1 October 2016

Types of Epps

Orisirisi epp lo wa. Let me share with you the 7 types I have experienced:

1. Some will epp and make you feel diminished.
2. Some will epp so that they can use you.
3. Some will epp and tell everybody that they epped you. Those who openly fulfil the assistance you asked for in private also fall under this category.
4. Some will do the epp small small so that you can keep coming back to them like they are your creator.
5. Some will epp you and keep calling you daily to remind you to thank them for epping you.
6. Some will epp you and take advantage of your situation to demand for something precious to you in exchange for the epp.
7. Some will HELP you because they are destined to do it.

Eppers po, but there's only one helper.


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