Saturday 1 October 2016

Too Anointed to be Corrected

In Paul’s Letter to the Galatians in Gal 2: 11-21, he wrote that he rebuked Peter “to his face because he clearly was wrong.”

What led to this was Peter’s hypocrisy in insisting that the Gentiles follow Jewish rules rendered obsolete by Jesus Christ. So‎ Paul moved swiftly to openly correct Peter when he ‎saw that he and the others were inconsistent with the truth of the gospel.‎

Let me explain the odd thing here as per today's christianity parole. Paul was a subject of Peter by all standard. Don't forget we are talking of the Peter who wined and dined with Jesus Christ throughout his earthly ministry. The Peter who walked on the sea. The Peter who was on the mount of Transfiguration. The Peter whom Christ handed the church to. So for levels matter we can say Peter na most senior apostle, whereas Saul, who later became Paul, na baby apostle. ‎

The million dollar question is can this happen in today's christianity? How many of these senior men wey never even see John the Baptist before, talk less of Jesus Christ can be RESPECTFULLY ADVISED, not even corrected privately not to talk of openly o?!!!
Men who have not even gone through the tiniest persecution which some of the apostles of old went through will be feeling unquestionable.
They want to lord their own opinion over you but nobody can make them see reason even in the light of the word of God. It's their way or no way.‎

This example of what Paul did was given so that if those who govern sometimes stray from the right way, they will not reject a correction as unworthy even if it comes from their subjects.

READ YOUR BIBLE. E ma kan ma gbe lo, gbe bo.


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