Thursday 6 June 2013


Life is governed by principles and one of such is the principle which i describe as ACTIONS/CONSEQUENCES. This simply mean that every action or decision you take has a corresponding consequence. You cannot escape it; principle aye ni. I am not talking about State laws which some powerful people can circumvent. This principle of life is no respecta of persons or positions; It will catch up with you.
This principle does not have regard for age no wonder you see some adults paying dearly for the wrong doing of their teens.
If you do not know this then wa fumble.
If you think because of your position you are excempted, so o wa n behave anyhow- o ti fumble o.
If only so many people understood this principle maybe they would have done things differently.
If only some people understood this simple principle maybe they would have been more careful and not reckless.
This principle does not just become activated suddenly. It gives several oppurtunities to make amends. It gives time to reconsider your way. It warns. It sends different people across your way to counsel, preach or educate you.
But once you have wasted all your given chances to change, this principle visits you with full consequences of your actions. AT THIS POINT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, HELL HAS NO MERCY LORO YI O. KO SI ÈRÒ!
So how many chances do you think you have to get things right? Don't go thinking every decision of life comes with several oppurtunities. Some are just once and the effect of such decision if wrong can be devastating.
So why don't you make it a point of duty to always consider the consequence before you do anything.
The time you are most prone to error is when things are OK with you. When you are comfortable you feel ontop of the world and think too highly of yourself. Sometimes you forget you are mortal...wà wá bere si ma behave like you are immortal.
Take a look around you and see examples of stars who got gassed up with fame, leaders who became power drunk and successful people who felt their money can bail them out of anything. See how they were crushed when the consequences of their past visited them. Some lost all the fortunes they have laboured for. Some died shamefully. Some are still alive but reduced to nothing.
Iwo to nfi wàdùwàdù lo ile aye; o ya rora se.
Iwo ti eti re di si ikilo, ti inu re koro si ibawi; o ya tun ero re pa.
Iwo ti o ngbe aye YOLO; you are very right- You live only once but make it count. Don't live it with regrets.
You cannot live life on your own terms.

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