Tuesday 19 March 2013

Take banana till you go yo

(Satan listening to some jams)

Gbedu blasting: "Take banana till you go yo...."

Satan: Mirudin, Who is this person singing?

Mirudin: I don't my lord. Let me call Koradini....he knows all of them my lord.

(Koradini arrives)

Koradini: My lord....you called for me sir?

Satan: Who sang the song "take banana or something like that...?

Koradini: Ha, it's D'prince my lord.

Satan: The Prince? Prince of where? Which king is his father?

Koradini: Not like that my lord. It is D'prince as in letter 'D' 'apostrophe' and then the word 'prince'. He's not a prince like that...it's just his stage name.

Satan: Issokay. Is he a stammerer?

Koradini: No my lord. why did you ask?

Satan: You mean he is not a stammerer? Have you listened to the song yourself.....how come that statement 'take banana till you go yo'' was mentioned 48 times in the song? And you say he's not a stammerer? Then the person he was singing for must probably be suffering from a hearing-related ailment.
Did you pay money for that CD?

Koradini: (smiles) No my lord....it's the usual complimentary copy sir.

Satan: Hmmm...the problem in this country is multi-faceted.

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