Monday 11 March 2013

Aspiring bosses, please take note

To all those aspiring to become their own bosses, please read the following lessons i have learnt from my current employment. This is my 6th year in the company and i have seen it gone through different stages.

1. Anything you build on deceit will eventually crumble. You can only patch it here and there for a while.

2. Whatever you do as the boss is a standard which your employees will pick up. If you are rude to clients in their presence, they will do the same.

3. You cannot build loyal staffs by threats and the use of force.

4. Never underestimate the power of your employees. Don't take them for granted. The more you force them apart or try to break their union, the more they get bonded.

5. PAY THEM AS AT WHEN DUE. Never make them suffer to recieve what they have worked for. It can attract a curse to your business.

6. Don't base all your principle on theory X of McGregor alone and as such you over use them and force them to work without breaks. Balance the work and rest times so as to get the best from them. Give them holidays when they are due....even machineries are sometimes turned off to cool off how much more humans.

7. Never make promises you won't fulfil to your employees. When you raise and dash their hopes at will, you will end up with disgruntled employees.

8. Help your employees to balance their work/family life. They also have needs. Show that you care in deed not only by words.

9. Create a boss-employee communication. Don't build a fence around yourself orelse in the day of danger the same fence will make it difficult for them to rescue you. Be approachable and a good listener.

10. Be humble enough to take the settlement route if there's a dispute between you and your employee. Never allow an employee with the company's vital secrets to walk away unhappy. They have nothing to loose except the salary,and within a few months they can be back in another employment.
You have everything to lose because they hold the tools which can be used to destroy all you have laboured for. Don't be penny-wise and pound-foolish.

11. If management is not your strenght, employ a competent manager to handle that aspect. Never be too afraid to delegate authourity.

12. Hire people based on their competences not by their looks, place of origin or gender.

13. Never become a law to yourself and become reckless. Remember you are still subject to the law of the land and it respects no one.

14. Make it a point to keep employees on a long term in the company. A company with a high employee turnover can never progress because there is no continuity.

15. You don't know everything and you cannot do everything that is why you employed people, so allow them to work. Allow them to use their ingenuities to push your company forward. Also create a room for their development before they become dull and uninterested.

16. If you are the type of boss that ends everything conversation with threats of sacking, you cannot be respected by your employees.

17. Make the company's goal very clear. Don't end up confusing your employees by talking from both sides of the mouth and then blame them for not doing what you want. For example, If your intention for establishing the company is to be defrauding people make it very clear so that everyone knows what they should focus on.

18. Distribute responsibilities according to the ability of each employee. Don't force people to take up roles which they cannot handle.

19. Don't mix business with pleasure. Never indulge in having sexual relationships with your employees.

20. You are not God. Don't assume the role.

You might be thinking why most of the points are employee-related. That is because employees are the greatest asset any company can have.

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