Wednesday 6 March 2013

$11,000 per minute

Koradini: Tango Tango Alpha 1-6-7-7 ((over))

Satan: Yes go ahead koradini. What's the situation over there?

Koradini: My lord, the lady is here o. Kadershian came o! She just arrived in the hall now.....i heard from the organisers that she was paid very big to attend. Something close to $500,000 my lord.

Satan: Heeey! 500 tar-san what?
I will be on my way immediately. Is my seat still reseved?

Koradini: yes my lord, your seat is still reserved. See you soon my lord.

(45mins after)

Koradini: Tango Tango Alpha 1-6-7-7 ((over))

Satan: yes koradini what is it again? I told you i'm on my there a surprise? Did her boyfriend turn up?

Koradini: lord i just want to tell you not to bother to come again....

Satan: What do you mean....did somebody take my reserved seat?

Koradini: The lady is gone my lord.

Satan: Whaaaaaat?!!!!! Gone where? Dem don finish the programme? Koradini are you drunk?

Koradini: The programme is still on my lord. Erm...she charged them $11,000 per minute my lord and the money is finished.....she's gone back to America my lord.

Satan: Heeeey!!! What exactly did she do? T H I S I S F R A U D O!!!!! BROAD DAYLIGHT FRAUD!!!!
Who paid her that kain money? Who exactly is she? What has the government or the people benefitted from her presence?
Koradini start investigating everything. I need full report! I need full report!! Something is wrong somewhere.....

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