Monday 11 March 2013

I say ''nothing dey happen''

(Satan on the phone)

Satan: Koradini where are you?

Koradini: My lord i am in Akwa Ibom sir.

Satan: Akwa Ibom? Ha ha....Akwa Ibom? What is going on there? Are you not meant to be at the AMVC awards in Lagos?

Koradini: my lord there was a change of plan. There was nothing really happening at the awards sir except for some of the ladies who put their boobies on display. Nollywood didn't do well at the awards so i had to move quickly to Akwa Ibom.

Satan: Is that why you shouldn't inform me of your plan? So what is happening in Akwa Ibom?

Koradini: 2baba is getting married sir.

Satan: koradini are you sick? 2baba? Father Abraham Idibia? Getting married? Is he marring all of them together... i mean all his baby mamas?

Koradini: No sir. He picked just 1 out of them sir. It is the traditional wedding. The Governor was even present and he asked about you when he saw me.
The very generous governor gave the couple 2 brand new Prado jeeps as gift and even promised that a 29-man delegation will represent the State in Dubai later this month at the white wedding.

Satan: my gawd! Koradini you call wastefulness generosity? Are you that confused?
By the way did you see all these things with your eyes and heard what you are teling me directly?

Koradini: My lord all evidences are with me for verification sir.

Satan: Return to base immediately and you must not eat or drink anything in that place.

Koradini: yes my lord but can i finish the small stout am drinking my lord?

Satan: Drop everything and R E T U R N TO BA S E! !!!

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