Wednesday 20 March 2013

You need the trust and respect of others to succeed

So many people cannot get the assistance they are in need of today because they have lost their honour through their acts of dishonesty in the past.
Won ya elomi lowo, ko san pada. Elomi ra oja awin o digba to ye ko sanwo, o so di wahala. Na work dem help anoda person find, as e reach dere finish e begin spoil the name of the person wey help am.

When you get a negative reputation, it’s hard to recover from it. Eni to y'agbe le gbagbe sugbon eniti o ko igbe naa ko le gbagbe lailai. Ma je ki oro e dabi adie to n yagbe sinu ikoko obe. O ti gbagbe wipe ile igbehin oun l'oun baje yen.
Reputation outranks money. Iyi ju owo lo. Choose a good reputation over anything. Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay.

When you are making decisions for short-term benefits only, quickly ya ara e ni brain and remember that if it earns you a bad reputation it’ll haunt your prospects indefinitely. O ti ilekun mo aanu ojo ola e niyen o.

Don't make poor decisions that will lead to long-term losses and regrets. Remember that the trust and respect of others is always needed to succeed.

Maa se ohun gbogbo nitori ojo ola. Ma fi oni ba ola e je.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Take banana till you go yo

(Satan listening to some jams)

Gbedu blasting: "Take banana till you go yo...."

Satan: Mirudin, Who is this person singing?

Mirudin: I don't my lord. Let me call Koradini....he knows all of them my lord.

(Koradini arrives)

Koradini: My called for me sir?

Satan: Who sang the song "take banana or something like that...?

Koradini: Ha, it's D'prince my lord.

Satan: The Prince? Prince of where? Which king is his father?

Koradini: Not like that my lord. It is D'prince as in letter 'D' 'apostrophe' and then the word 'prince'. He's not a prince like's just his stage name.

Satan: Issokay. Is he a stammerer?

Koradini: No my lord. why did you ask?

Satan: You mean he is not a stammerer? Have you listened to the song come that statement 'take banana till you go yo'' was mentioned 48 times in the song? And you say he's not a stammerer? Then the person he was singing for must probably be suffering from a hearing-related ailment.
Did you pay money for that CD?

Koradini: (smiles) No my's the usual complimentary copy sir.

Satan: Hmmm...the problem in this country is multi-faceted.

Thursday 14 March 2013

"Wait for my Oga at the top....dat's all"

(Mirudin granting a press interview)

Reporter 1: Is it true that your boss is admitted at the hospital after receiving a shocking news?

Mirudin: Yes

Reporter 2: Erm, is it also true you are the one that relayed the news. ...can you tell us what the news is all about?

Mirudin: well yes i was the one that sent the news across.

Reporter 3: Can you tell us the content of the news? We learnt it was about something that happened at abuja?

Mirudin: you see i would have loved to tell you but i don't want to say something now and my oga at the top will say another please wait when it is time my oga at the top will say it.

Reporter 2: we learnt there is a website where we can read updates on your field reports...can you give us the name of that website?

Mirudin: Well this information you need is not there. It is with my oga at the top. So please wait.....

Reporter 1: But just tell us.....

Mirudin: is ww.encidici... yea.

(short pause)

Reporter 2: ww.encidici...???

Mirudin: yea...dat's all.

Enjoy the video below:

Letter of grastitudes to Mr Precident

My letter of grastitudes to Mr Precident:

First and actsuali i wants to say we nigerians pepu are prouds of you for your forgivement spirit. You has prove to all of us that you are truthli a man of gawd. Your humbility spirit is also like that of a childrens. You are tried for this country and we thank you bigly.

Nextly and actsuali, i speak onbehaf of the entaya nigerians pepu to thank you for the forgivement you forgive the innocence great leaders who their enemis lie on their head that they are steal money and their name spoil. Thank you for haven belif in them and forgivement them. I hope the money the govament she are collected frm them will also be return.

Lastyly snd actsuali, please the nigerian pepu she are like to submission the names of other pepu that shoulds be forgivement.

Jame Ibory
Bodday jorj
Sissilia Hebrew
Farook Larwane
Taferr Baloogoon
Deemage Bamcole

We didnt want to do court with this pepu again.

Thank you for your understands and may you rule forever more. amen.

Please dont forget the rehabilitate you wants to do for the prostitute in abuja. We knows you are a man of your word bcos you promise to do parry for our nollywood and you has do it. You promise to gives us electric you has do that one olso. You promise to kill bokoharam, you has do that one aswell. We are hapi abaot you and everybody of the nigerians pepu she are smilling.
We prayer rekwest for you again that you shall rule forever.

We love you our forgivement and humbility precident, always smile and dress simpility with or without shoes.

God bless nigeria and god bless all africas the giant of nigeria.

State Pardon

(Satan heard a noise)

Satan: Koradini why did you scream like that? What is your problem.....are you possessed?

Koradini: I am sorry my lord. Erm...i just received a field report from Mirudin that was so shocking sir.

Satan: When did Mirudin start to go for assignment? Who asked you to send him?

Koradini: Sorry my lord. I have so much report to collate as you instructed and i am running out of i asked him to go.

Satan: So you do things now without informing me abi? Issokay. So where did you send him...and what is the shocking news about?

Koradini: I am sorry my lord. I sent him to Abuja to attend the council of state meeting...and he just informed me now that his excellency has given a state pardon to his former Oga.

Satan: What are you talking about...will you speak plainly......i don't like confusion

Koradini: Erm....Mr. Diepreye Solomon Peter Alamieyeseigha (DSP) has been pardoned of all his offences sir. Technically, he is free to now free to contest election and be appointed to serve the Nation in any capacity.

Satan Screamed......................and collapsed.

Monday 11 March 2013

Aspiring bosses, please take note

To all those aspiring to become their own bosses, please read the following lessons i have learnt from my current employment. This is my 6th year in the company and i have seen it gone through different stages.

1. Anything you build on deceit will eventually crumble. You can only patch it here and there for a while.

2. Whatever you do as the boss is a standard which your employees will pick up. If you are rude to clients in their presence, they will do the same.

3. You cannot build loyal staffs by threats and the use of force.

4. Never underestimate the power of your employees. Don't take them for granted. The more you force them apart or try to break their union, the more they get bonded.

5. PAY THEM AS AT WHEN DUE. Never make them suffer to recieve what they have worked for. It can attract a curse to your business.

6. Don't base all your principle on theory X of McGregor alone and as such you over use them and force them to work without breaks. Balance the work and rest times so as to get the best from them. Give them holidays when they are due....even machineries are sometimes turned off to cool off how much more humans.

7. Never make promises you won't fulfil to your employees. When you raise and dash their hopes at will, you will end up with disgruntled employees.

8. Help your employees to balance their work/family life. They also have needs. Show that you care in deed not only by words.

9. Create a boss-employee communication. Don't build a fence around yourself orelse in the day of danger the same fence will make it difficult for them to rescue you. Be approachable and a good listener.

10. Be humble enough to take the settlement route if there's a dispute between you and your employee. Never allow an employee with the company's vital secrets to walk away unhappy. They have nothing to loose except the salary,and within a few months they can be back in another employment.
You have everything to lose because they hold the tools which can be used to destroy all you have laboured for. Don't be penny-wise and pound-foolish.

11. If management is not your strenght, employ a competent manager to handle that aspect. Never be too afraid to delegate authourity.

12. Hire people based on their competences not by their looks, place of origin or gender.

13. Never become a law to yourself and become reckless. Remember you are still subject to the law of the land and it respects no one.

14. Make it a point to keep employees on a long term in the company. A company with a high employee turnover can never progress because there is no continuity.

15. You don't know everything and you cannot do everything that is why you employed people, so allow them to work. Allow them to use their ingenuities to push your company forward. Also create a room for their development before they become dull and uninterested.

16. If you are the type of boss that ends everything conversation with threats of sacking, you cannot be respected by your employees.

17. Make the company's goal very clear. Don't end up confusing your employees by talking from both sides of the mouth and then blame them for not doing what you want. For example, If your intention for establishing the company is to be defrauding people make it very clear so that everyone knows what they should focus on.

18. Distribute responsibilities according to the ability of each employee. Don't force people to take up roles which they cannot handle.

19. Don't mix business with pleasure. Never indulge in having sexual relationships with your employees.

20. You are not God. Don't assume the role.

You might be thinking why most of the points are employee-related. That is because employees are the greatest asset any company can have.


Babe exchanging sms with one of her boyfriends (You know dem dey have more than one due to economic instability).

Babe: Hello love x

Guy: What is it u want this time.

Babe: Must i want something b4 i snd u a msg?

Guy: it's ur usual line whn u want sumthng. U dnt just cal me 'love' in vain

Babe: warever.....

(guy didnt snd any sms for like 3mins)

Babe: so u r not going to say anythng?

Guy: like wat?......wat do u want me 2 say?

Babe: so u wanna say u dnt knw wat's hapning 2day?

Guy: what? Whr? ...dunno!

Babe: smh. U r so so angry and crying right now. U seriously mean u dnt knw? *crying*

Guy: Look am not in d mood 4 all dis ur drama again. Ok. Wat's hapening whr? Mschew.....

Babe: *still crying......* so u r even doing 'Mschew' to me..... *crying louder*

Guy: ohhhhhhh my gawd....but wat is all dis wahala now? Cnt i rest?

Babe: *still crying.....u mean u dnt knw dat 2day is the international women's day? *still crying loudly*

Guy: so?

Babe: u r wicked dis guy......dont u knw u should appreciate me as a woman and take me out for dinner? No call.....u dont even show me love.
*crying and rolling on the floor*

(service operator's message): message undelivered.

Babe (talking to herself): so the idiot switched off his phone.
Ok let me try with this other guy. One of dem must enter this trap this evening.

I say ''nothing dey happen''

(Satan on the phone)

Satan: Koradini where are you?

Koradini: My lord i am in Akwa Ibom sir.

Satan: Akwa Ibom? Ha ha....Akwa Ibom? What is going on there? Are you not meant to be at the AMVC awards in Lagos?

Koradini: my lord there was a change of plan. There was nothing really happening at the awards sir except for some of the ladies who put their boobies on display. Nollywood didn't do well at the awards so i had to move quickly to Akwa Ibom.

Satan: Is that why you shouldn't inform me of your plan? So what is happening in Akwa Ibom?

Koradini: 2baba is getting married sir.

Satan: koradini are you sick? 2baba? Father Abraham Idibia? Getting married? Is he marring all of them together... i mean all his baby mamas?

Koradini: No sir. He picked just 1 out of them sir. It is the traditional wedding. The Governor was even present and he asked about you when he saw me.
The very generous governor gave the couple 2 brand new Prado jeeps as gift and even promised that a 29-man delegation will represent the State in Dubai later this month at the white wedding.

Satan: my gawd! Koradini you call wastefulness generosity? Are you that confused?
By the way did you see all these things with your eyes and heard what you are teling me directly?

Koradini: My lord all evidences are with me for verification sir.

Satan: Return to base immediately and you must not eat or drink anything in that place.

Koradini: yes my lord but can i finish the small stout am drinking my lord?

Satan: Drop everything and R E T U R N TO BA S E! !!!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

$11,000 per minute

Koradini: Tango Tango Alpha 1-6-7-7 ((over))

Satan: Yes go ahead koradini. What's the situation over there?

Koradini: My lord, the lady is here o. Kadershian came o! She just arrived in the hall now.....i heard from the organisers that she was paid very big to attend. Something close to $500,000 my lord.

Satan: Heeey! 500 tar-san what?
I will be on my way immediately. Is my seat still reseved?

Koradini: yes my lord, your seat is still reserved. See you soon my lord.

(45mins after)

Koradini: Tango Tango Alpha 1-6-7-7 ((over))

Satan: yes koradini what is it again? I told you i'm on my there a surprise? Did her boyfriend turn up?

Koradini: lord i just want to tell you not to bother to come again....

Satan: What do you mean....did somebody take my reserved seat?

Koradini: The lady is gone my lord.

Satan: Whaaaaaat?!!!!! Gone where? Dem don finish the programme? Koradini are you drunk?

Koradini: The programme is still on my lord. Erm...she charged them $11,000 per minute my lord and the money is finished.....she's gone back to America my lord.

Satan: Heeeey!!! What exactly did she do? T H I S I S F R A U D O!!!!! BROAD DAYLIGHT FRAUD!!!!
Who paid her that kain money? Who exactly is she? What has the government or the people benefitted from her presence?
Koradini start investigating everything. I need full report! I need full report!! Something is wrong somewhere.....

Finding happiness at all cost

(Koradini reading the newspaper and satan caught a glimpse of the headline)

Satan: Wait koradini. Show me that headline again...what does it say?

Koradini: My lord, it reads:

"If a married man is the one that will make you happy, please go for it" -Lola

It is a word of wisdom from one of the leading Nollywood actresses. She was advising the single ladies who are finding it difficult to get married.

Satan: ojigbijigbi! Did you call that words of wisdom? Koradini did you just say that?
Oya go down low.....kneel down there and raise up your hands.

(satan picks up the newspaper and started talking to himself)

Look at the lady sef how can someone this pretty be walking about with an empty skull? This God sef is amazing in His works o. Erm....but at the same time i don't think she was born foolish ....i think all these useless wigs they put on their heads don't allow fresh air to blow into their brain. Opolo eleyi ti bu kee!
She is indirectly advising single ladies to go and be breaking other people's homes ni kee! How can another woman's husband make you happy? wonder they are just dying like fowls in that their entertainment industry.
But wait o.... Is she saying anything new? This thing has been happening now for a long time, atleast it is permissible in some religion and culture to marry up to 4 wives.....while so many young girls are chasing married men about or the other way round.
Hmm...everything is messed up.
Koradini, get up but next time mind your utterrances when you are around me.
By the way, check this lady up if she is enlisted in our secret service.

Koradini: Thank you my lord....i'll do that.

Congress meeting of the Prostitutes of the Republic of Nigeria(PORN)

(Koradini handed a tape to satan)

Satan: What's in this tape?

Koradini: My lord i was at the congress meeting of the Prostitutes of the Republic of Nigeria(PORN) and what you have in your hand is the recording of the president's speech while reacting to Kim's visit.

Satan: Ok play it let me hear.

(Koradini plays the tape)

The president talking:

"You have to be the best in everything you do. All these boys who take fonogau and alomo before they come ontop of you will wreck you. You have to step up your game and not die in as a local ashewo.
Since they banned okada can't you see that business have been so dull...isn't that a warning to you that you should step up?
Everyone is going international too go international. Look at D'banj...he has gone global. See even whizkid...he's going global too. Forget this local runs where they sleep with you behind the kiosks o. It won't get you anywhere.
Look at kardashian who was invited into the country last week. No be the same work we dey do? No be the same workshop we get? How come she was paid $500k for 45mins? Who for here don receive dat kain money before? Even if dem carry you go till day break how much dem dey pay you? See her when she arrived with full police escort. No be the same police dey pursue us for here?
Why? Why? Because our parole is too local.
Even look at the babes in the universities who are non-registered members of this association but who are prostitutes like us, are they not enjoying more than us? Some of them charge as much as N1 million per night....and even more if they look like half-caste. It is all about packaging.
How many of you here have BB phones?
How many of you here have twitter accounts?
How many of you here know how to snap and upload naked pixs?
How many of you know how to make a hot-selling sex-tape?
How many of you here are IT-literates?
Do you want to die without the world knowing you?
If you think all i have said is not possible or cannot be done by me and you, just take a look at Cossy. How did she get the money to build the "playgirl mansion"? Do you think it is from the sales of the record she made with Obesere?
My fellow prostitutes let us think. It is an insult that in a country of over 150 million people, we cannot represent and they have to import somebody from abroad and pay her such a ridiculous amount?! It is indeed a shame.''

(Members clapping)

Satan: Koradini stop it! Stop it...i have heard enough.
Please get me cold water.

Our in-law is very 'Bance-some'

Babe: Mum, here is the picture of the footballer i showed you on the telly that asked me out and you screamed "that ugly thing?"

Dad: Show me the ki nri. (Screaming) who said he is ugly? Who on earth said this handsome gentleman is ugly? Did your mother say that? Omi ni àlè iya e ma mu ku.

Mom: Haha iwo omode yi o de fe ko ba mi? You didn't show me this picture kee! Am i blind? Would i have rejected this lovely man?

Dad: My daughter please arrange when you'll bring him. We want to meet our inlaw.

Positioning is much more important than hard work

You might be wondering why you are not getting the reward for all your hardwork. The reason is that positioning is much more important than hardwork.
It is not about how hard you are labouring; the question is are you labouring on the right soil? Are you in the right location?
There is nothing wrong with the land where you are, it's just that it won't work for you because you are meant to be somewhere else.

There's no speed on a wrong lane. Ma kan ma se wahala lasan ni ile ti ko ye ko wa.
If you get your positioning right, what would take others 10yrs to achieve will only take you 1yr.

This might just be the simple thing you need to do to breakthrough.
Go to God ko beere wo;

Oluwa nibo ni ire mi wa? (Lord where is my goodness located?)
Nibo ni ile ti yio gbe mi? (Lord, where is the land that will favour me?)
Dakun dari mi sibe. (Please lead me there).

Stop labouring on a wrong soil. Nothing will grow.

Holy Spirit: The best guide

One thing i pray to God for is that He won't take His Spirit away from me.
As long as i have the Holy Spirit as my guide i dey kampe.
Sometimes i take some steps or decisions which people might term as "super-dangerous" or "mega-stupid" and still get away with it.
Yes kee! Nigbati kii se àdáse. Once to ba ti je idari emi Oluwa ni, ko ni b'ewu de.
Àdáse lo le hun mi o.
Ikoja-aye lo le ko ba mi.
Aigboran lo le fa wahala
Imole Oluwa kii si enia dari.
Yes o le ma make sense sometimes, infact ko ti e ki ntete make sense ni nitoriwipe omugo Olorun ju gbogbo agbarijopo awon ologbon aye lo.
Apart from that gan, emi Olorun ma nje ki nwa a step ahead of situations. Ma ti ri 'expo' isele naa ko to w'aye.
Yes ko s'owo l'account but things still get sorted. This is high living.
Ore, no aspect of your life is too irrelevant to invite the Holy Spirit into. Anything ni mo pe! To wo wa gbadun e. Lol

Why are the youths dying?

Someone asked me why youths are just dying anyhow like mosquito, and i answered back that it is because:
"Won o fi ogbon gbe ile aye ni.
Won o te ile jeejee.
Won nte ile basubasu.
Ohun owo won o to won nfi gongon fa.
Won nle ile aye, won ti gbagbe wipe aye o se le ba.
Won korira ibawi, beeni eti won si di si ikilo.
Won ni ojukokoro, Ife aye si gba okan won kan.
Won yan alabaro èké fun ara won lati ma so ohun ti won fe gbo fun won
Won ma nse afarawe
Won si ma n tan ara won je."
These and many other reasons are why they will continue to drop off. Because if you run too fast, o di dandan ko end to soon.

So many people are counting on you

Opolopo awon enia ti a da wipe ki o ma se adari ni aye ti n se adari awon gan bayi. That is to say, a ti pa nkan da mo won lowo. Ori ti di iru.

I feel grieved when i see people living their lives as if their existence is an accident.
Won kan nrin kiri bi eniti o n ta ìfun eran. No purpose, no foresight, no fight, no desire.

So many people do not realise that there are so many destinies that are tied to theirs. If you don't succeed you will let so many others down.
Aimoye ayanmo lo nsukun nitori laise wipe ayanmo tire se, awon naa o le da nkankan.
Look, you are harming so many people by your wreckless living.
You were created to lift some up. You were created to be a blessing. You are spared till now to affect the lives of others positively.
Ko wa ye ko ma gbe aye e radarada.
Ko ye ko ma se afarawe
Ko ye ko ma hu'wa aibikita

Ogbeni o ye ko joko ko r'onu o.
Se aye e nlo ba se k'owe re?
No be fight i come fight you o, mo kan npe akiyesi re si bo se nlo ni. Ja ara e gba o! So ji!
Gbogbo ayanmo to ye ko ti ara e dide yio bere lowo re ti won ba ku lai da nkan to ye ki won da.