Tuesday 16 July 2013


So why would 2 persons who arrived at an event at the same time be treated differently by a stranger who was meeting them for the first time?

A P P E A R A N C E.

Don't you know that we are unconsciously teaching people how to treat us by the way we appear?
Appearance can be deceptive, no doubt, but it is the most commonly used factor in judging people.

Your appearance speaks before you even open your mouth to talk. And if it speaks poorly of you, it is almost certain that you'll loose your right to talk or be heard.

In 2006, i walked into the office of the station manager at Baker street station to sign off a key. As i got in, he walked up to me and shook my hands, complimented the jacket i was wearing, and asked how he can be of help? I told him i wanted the keys to the cleaners'changing room and he asked me with shock in his face what i needed it for? I told him that i work here as a station cleaner and i need to change. He said " oh my God! You don't fit that role you just mentioned to me". He took his time to have a little chat with me and at the end he gave me the keys and said "you don't belong in this environment".
What i find funny is that, it is in this same station that i have been rebuked severally by some of my colleages (especially the Ghanians) for "dressing too expensive".

I got my current job in 2007 by not saying a word at the interview. The guy who attended to me only said "i like the way you look and you start".
I know several people also have accounts of how their look (appearance) has locked/unlocked doors for them at some points of their lives.

You don't have to spend the worth of a house mortgage to look good. Whatever you buy, have these 3 things at the back of your mind:
- Good quality. Buy quality cry once. Buy cheap and you'll never stop crying.
- Fit. It does not matter how much you pay for the cloth, if it does not fit IT IS USELESS. Wear what compliments you, not what you think is in vogue.
- Suitable for the occassion. Every appointment or function has its dress code. So many people today wear costumes all in the name of following fashion trend. Leave stage clothes on the stage abeg.

I personally see spending to improve your appearance as a worthy investment which can open doors for you in high places.
Over the weekend i was discussion with a bro, who told me how he sets up meeting with his clients in posh venues, and even go extra mile to buy drinks or lunch. This tactic shoots up his value in the assesment of his clients and places him in good bargaining positions.
The environment where i work has taught me everything i need to know about the importance of appearance, carriage, and personality. If you score zero in any of these, it'll be a big struggle to get accepted in places that matters.

Looking good is not cheap so also are the favours it attracts to you.

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