Tuesday 16 September 2014


(Not many people will agree to this, but that is not a problem because it is not for everybody)

Many people don't even know that there is a difference between claiming to be born again and having the fear of God.

You can't be one without the other.
One is a step before the other.

One can be claimed like a title, the other you have to prove in deeds.
One can be potrayed in your outward appearance (type of dressing), the other can only be evident in the way you live your life.

You can't be born again without first having the fear of God.
You can fake to be born again just to have your way with certain people or fit in certain areas. The fear of God is white and black. You either have it or you don't. This is very easy for discerning minds to find out.

The bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom to know how to LIVE rightly.
Many folks need to learn that first before moving to claiming to be born again.
The term or state of being 'Born again' today has rather become a SCHEME, and its true essence is lost.

One of the essence of being born again is to be an example for unbelievers to emulate. Is this the case today? I don't think so. Infact, the tag nowadays is repulsive to carry around.

Those who really have the fear of God have the wisdom of God. They understand the basics of living rightly, and hardly do they get their hands soiled in immoralties.
They live and let others live.
They do not attempt to reap where they have not sown.
White is white, and black is black to them.
They do not do evil and hide under 'another level of grace' .
This cannot be said with majorities who carry around the badge of 'born again'.

When i wanted to choose a wife, i wasn't looking for a born again sister. I was in search of somebody with a balanced approach to life and who has the fear of God. This is the foundation upon which i believe every other things can be built upon.

When i choose my friends or business associates, i choose people with the fear of God, not neccesarily a born again brother or sister.
I don't go for labels. I go for value.

Please let us go back to the foundation and learn the basics before fighting to become a bishop or establishing a ministry.

So what is the fear of God?

The fear of the Lord is the continual awareness that you are never out of the presence of a holy, just, and almighty God, and that every motive, thought, word, and action is open before Him and will be judged by Him.

I'll close with Psalm 139.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Prayers for the detractors

Do you know that Hamman wasn't even aware that Modecai don't normally join the rest of the people to greet him whenever he's walking past. Awon kan ni won ko ara won jo ti won lo so fun.

They said "oga, do you know that anytime you are coming and all of us are running helter-skelter, Modeccai don't bother.....you need to punish him"

Awon enia kan wa bee. Awon abaniworan-ba o ri da. Awon igbimo olufisun. Awon a bat'eni je. Awon onimodarun enia.

Mo wa soro ase jade si gbogbo eyin wonyi:
Eyin te n f'imi sun lodo awon to ni agbara lati fi ara ni mi,
Eyin ti e n f'imi sun lodo awon to wa n'ipo lati gbese le eto mi,
Eyin ti e n ba mi je lodo awon to ye ko se mi loore

Eyi ni idajo yin:
Lati oni lo, ki ohun (voice) yin bere si kan (sour) leti gbogbo eda aye.

Mo fi aso ete, abuku, ati ibaje wo yin.

Mo fi ami ikorira si yin lara

E o tun niyi mo.

Paripari e ni yi:

Gbogbo ibaje mi ti e ti wa se sehin, ko bere si ja si igbega fun mi.
Gbogbo ibiti e ro mi ka kiri de, ko di ipolongo oriire funmi.

Bee ni yio ri. Eyi ti mo wi loni, ase orun ti gun. O de ti se bee!


A short prayer for the wicked strongholds

Awon to nse bi oba lori aye mi
Awon ti a o gbe ase aye mi le lowo sugbon ti won n pase
Awo to ni niwon igbati awon ba si n mi o ku ibiti ma gbe gba
Emi Mimo ro wo l'oye ki won ye se bi oba mo.
Gba ase ti won nlo lori aye mi kuro lowo won
Niwon igbati won ti pinnu wipe anfani to fun won lati wa laaye, idiwo ni awon yio fi je funmi, Oluwa je ki won fi inira l'ogba
Bi won ba nmi afefe si'mu, ko gbodi lara won
Bi won ba nte ile m'ole, ko gbona mo won
Je ki ibisun won ko di eegun (thorns)
Je ki ile won ko di ahoro
Je ki ireti won l'aye ko pare
Ninu igbe kike ni won ba wa s'aye, je ki won fi igbe inira jade laye
Ninu agbara eje ni won ba wa s'aye, je ki won ba inu agbara eje jade laye
Oorun aye won, je ko wo l'osan gangan.

Ase orun ti a ti fifun mi je ko bo sori adura yi ko de se bee!

Bi o ba wa je wipe emi naa fi ojumo ojo kankan fi gbero bi ti elomiran yio se baje laise lairo, OLUWA DAKUN MA GBO ADURA TI MO GBA YI.

Stop chasing the wind

At least the craze of everyone wanting to be a fashion designer/label owner has now died down a bit.

Those that joined because they think money is in it have now realised that it's only passion that keeps you going.

The talentless ones that joined with the intention of ripping off other people's designs have now realised that the process is as tedious as waiting for a crab to blink.

Those who thought the tag 'fashion designer' will make them an overnight celebrity have now realised how tough it is to get accepted.

Most have now realised how hard it is to change the mind of customers who are already locked to certain brands to part with their hard-earned cash to purchase the product of an unknown brand.

Many only got attracted by the surface glamour which i call 'shine-shine'. None actually thought about all the other complex processes like: creating designs, fabric sourcing, finding and dealing with manufacturers, meeting deadlines, promotion, selling, legal issues and most importantly funding.

It is a very dangerous thing to jump on the bandwagon of any venture which you have no passion, talent, knowledge or calling for. You are doomed to fail if you do.
Don't do a thing because it is popular. Do it because you have something different to offer.

Meet the Awardees

Goodmorning ladies and gentlemen.

Can you please give a round of applause to these people as i call them to step forward to receive their awards:

1. Worship leaders who are too gifted to back-up.

2. Church workers who are only active when the senior pastor is around.

3. Senior pastors or G.Os who are too anointed to join in the worship. They sit in the office waiting for a signal from their protocols when it's the right time for them to walk into the auditorium like a wrestling champion.

Thank you.....thank you...keep clapping for them....keep clapping.



I don't exactly know when Aso-ebi was first introduced, but i know the inception of the practice can be traced back several years to the time of our great-grand fathers. The idea then was to use the Aso-ebi during family celebrations to identify the in-laws and the iyawo-iles.
I also cannot categorically say how much was spent on these clothes but i know, from the ones i witnessed while growing up that the cost was modest.

The Aso-ebi practice of this dispensation is a complete deviation from the original intention of the creators. What is going on today is a demonstration of extreme level of lunacy.

Lunacy in the exhorbitant prices of these Aso-ebi. The recent one i heard is N300,000 (£1000). This is excluding the cost of accessories to match the outfit!
Lunacy in the extent people go to have the Aso-ebi. Some borrow money or take it on credit.
Lunacy in the preferential treatment meted out to invited guests at the ceremony: "Eni to wo ankara lo ma je Semo". "O r'aso, o gba take-away".
Lunacy in the struggle to buy all the Aso-ebi for all the parties you are invited to just to show that you are a socialite.

In spite of all the shortcomings of this practice, i must commend the ingenuity behind the idea of the celebrant using it to finance the cost of the party.
I am of the opinion that this is the reason why it is a do or die affair with both the celebrant and the attendees. The celebrant is stylishly fund-raising, while the Aso-ebi-wearing guest will let all hell loose on the day of the ceremony if told that "jollof rice don finish" or the request for a change of meat is turned down. You must 'eat' your aso-ebi.

There seems to be no cure in sight for this madness anytime soon; infact every party is now used to set a new price standard for the next Aso-ebi.
The question i ask myself is why would i want to spend N300,000 (£1000) on a fabric that is not exclusive to me? 100s other people will wear the same on the day! I am even beginning to feel that people are charm-talked into buying.
To be honest, the winners in this game are the celebrants and fabric wholesalers.

I am not condenming the practice in its entirety, afterall it has been in existence before i was even born. As a creative designer, i love the styles some people come up with, especially the ladies, and the glamour it adds to the event. I am simply against the extreme to which we have taken it.

Aso-ebi should not be a mandatory ticket to enter and eat at a ceremony.
People do not have to sell their kidneys to be able to afford aso-ebi.
You do not have to buy aso-ebi to prove anything. You have nothing to prove to anybody in life. Just live!
You do not have to sell aso-ebi to fund your party. If you cannot afford to host a party then forgerrit!

Listen to this: It is called Aso-Ebi (Clothes for relatives). So i think except you are the celebrant's REAL relative you have no business buying ASO-EBI anyway.




Wednesday 10 September 2014

SOS: A cry to the good people

So the saying is true that "the world won't be destroyed by evil doers but by the good people who stand and watch."

Why are the intellectuals in Nigeria running away from politics?
This non-participating stance of theirs have left room for some uninspiring and morally-deprived individuals to hijack the process.

The so-called Nollywood stars who could not come up with sensible scripts for a 90-minute video are coming out to contest for public offices that'll require them to formulate policies for the next 4-8years!

How do we expect a musician who could not write intelligent materials for a 4-minute song to provide meaningful contribution towards the progress of the country when elected into office?

I know these individuals are merely excercising their entitled rights as citizens of the FRN and i have no problem with that, but this is a sign that the rot in our system has eaten deep beyond remedy.
I mean we are talking of individuals who could not manage their industries. People who could not inspire the society positively with their arts. People who have abused their roles of influence to further confuse the youths and plunge the society into moral abyss.

You can easily gauge their intentions by looking at the positions they are gunning for. They have all set their sights at the National Assembly while the very audacious ones amongst them are contesting the governorship, without any political experience. What do you even need political experience for in Nigeria when all you need to do is find a strong political father who'll foist you on the weak and gullible Nigerian voters.
None wants to even start from the grassroot!

These questionable characters are not better than the politicians themselves. This is not the change we are talking about. They are only joining politics because they have ruined their industries and are now jobless and hungry. Their Nollywood celebrity status don't command much respect anymore, they need something bigger and stronger.

This absurdity must stop!

Good people need to rise up and save the Nation.