Friday 1 July 2016

The Epistle of Akin VòGg to the Jagunmolus chapter 17: 22-27


The Epistle of Akin VòGg to the Jagunmolus chapter 17: 22-27

 22. When they see that thy life is tidy, and that thou hast able to manage the challenges that life throws at thou well;
23. Then, the tribe of Abaniwonranbaorida will call unto the tribe of Asenitanbanidaro, to join forces together and suggest to thee counsel to bring thy life to turmoil.
24. My son, then shalt thou see beyond their friendly counsel and know that, that which they devise for thee is evil and not good.
25. Thou shalt be wise and courageous  not to follow the counsel which they give thee In thy bed chamber, but to throw it away whilst they depart from thy gates.
26. My son, do not bite more than thou can chew when they spread before thee sumptuous counsel from their table of temptation, lest thou become choked.
27. And when thou cry for help from the tribe of Abaniwonranbaorida and the tribe of Asenitanbanidaro, they will mock thee for falling into their trap, and they will drink and dance with their concubines and wives in celebration of thy disgrace.

May the Lord bless the reading and hearing of the word.


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