Friday 1 July 2016


Maturity is not a metric of numbers. It is the gracefulness with which you deal with (or/and rise above) certain situations.

Think back at how you have handled certain situations in the past 6 months:

Think of the moment you dropped your crown to wrestle in the mud with pigs when you should have acted gracefully.
Think about about the matter you worsened by your response, when your silence, even though painful, might have settled it and even earned you more respect.
Think of the gossip you stooped so low to get involved in, and how your contribution earned you disgrace.
Think about the public display of lunacy you put up to defend insults thrown at you, when you could have walked away gracefully and earn applause from on-lookers.
Think of the revenge you planned
Think about what you have against those who have had your back in the past and how you have disrespected or are still disrespecting them.

Do any of these make you a matured person? The answer is NO!

The Good news is that there's another chance for you starting from today to live a matured life.



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