Friday 22 July 2016

The Parable of Cane rat

Bi òkété bá dàgbà, omú omo re lo nmu.

Let's take note of these points:

(A) That the offsprings of the cane rat will not have the same boobies. While one will be flaunting FF, another will just be managing A. Often, this is by natural design not by choice.

(B) That their growth and body sizes will defer based on how much they were able to graze and other factors.

(C) The combination of these points will determine the amount of fluid they can produce for mother rat and others to feed off.


1. If you have relatives abroad or even local who are sending you monthly stipends, please appreciate the little they are doing and pray that things be well with them to do more.

2. Making comparisons and tagging them as failures because what they offer still fall way below your expectation despite spending several years abroad, is nothing but callousness. Not everybody that's rich got it through the normal means, just like not every big bobbie is natural. Comparing those who are surviving through legitimate means with circumventors is wickedness. They can't produce same results. (Refer to A & C above).

3. Getting angry and cursing them for sending what is not enough to sort your financial predicament is not the best way to appreciate their kind hearts. They too are still LEAN. (Refer to B & C above)


If however you think it's easy, you too go and collect 6 months visa, then come and use it to find work, sustain yourself, turn around the lives of everyone around you and turn it to indefinite leave.

If you think it's easy, you too go and collect 3 yrs student visa, then come and use it to work (with the restrictions), pay your fees, sustain yourself, build mansion at home, turn around the lives of everyone around you and turn it to indefinite leave.

Come and achieve these things under 10yrs- don't stand on a dry land and blame a sinking man for not knowing how to swim. Either believe when they tell you the water is deep and difficult to swim or you go in and test the depth yourself.

Many of your folks are here in mental facilities, some are placed on anti-depressants, some are in prison....all because of the pressure to meet expectations.

Don't assume anyone that's not meeting your expectation is tight-fisted or selfish. Some are just not at that comfort level you think they ought to be at because they have spent a decade abroad. It's not just all about the length of time spent abroad. Ojo lasan leyin nka, but irinajo yi o straightforward beyen o. So many things are involved. Gbogbo aso de ko la nsa l'oorun- It's not every story they can tell you.

Appeciate the little they do, encourage and give them time. Stop cursing and putting pressure on them to bite more than they can chew.

Even there are many people in Lagos who can't tell their folks where they work or how much they earn because of the fear of the weight of responsibility they'll be asked to bear.

E je ki omu omo okete mature.



The happiness of a land depends on the character of its rulers. The people cannot be happy and successful when their princes are childish, and lovers of pleasure.

Ecclesiastes10:16- Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning!


Understand God better

Even unbelievers who confidently ask from God, receive.
God is naturally a giver. He gives freely to all without requirement.
He gives to you like you deserve it, and He gives His best.
Your understanding of God is important in recieving from Him.
Approach God according to His word, not according to your experience or cultural background.


Add Value

You are struggling to be their friend but they don't want you.
You are forming farmiliarity but they keep denouncing you publicly.
My friend, first go and make something out of your own life then wait and see if they'll not be the one to extend a hand of friendship to you.

This is wisdom. Stop forcing yourself on people while in your state of irrelevance. They'll see you as a liability. Nobody likes to carry extra baggages about.
Spend that energy and time on yourself to become relevant.  The value you have added to yourself will do the rest.


Please download and install some sense

Our smart gadgets like mobile phones and tablets will remain only as fanciful bricks until we download and install some set of commands called Apps, to make them perform those smart functions.

Now, I want you to see those smart gadgets as our skull, and the App it requires as Sense.

E ma je ka ma gbe empty skull kiri mo. E download and install sense sinu e.


Wednesday 13 July 2016



1. No matter how good a thing is, some people will still not like it simply because it has something to do with you.

2. No matter how good you are at what you do, some people will never give you their support because they don't just like you.

3. No matter how much  you suck at what you do, some people will support you with their last breath. They look but don't see your flaws. Their only concern is that you succeed, and they don't even mind if the support they give will make you more successful than them.

4. You won't get everybody to like you or what you do, but the more you get on your side the better.

5. Trying so much to make people like you is a waste of effort. Concentrate that effort on improving on what you do and making those who love you proud. Forget trying to convert those who have sworn not to have anything to do with you.

Bi oorun ba yo, awon peganpegan to si ma l'awon o ri wa. Iyen o de di oorun lowo lati ma ran.


Me and Egbon

(Me and Egbon)

Egbon, I should get off at the next station but i'll go as far it takes to finish this discussion.
You are correct to say life gave us all equal 24hrs in a day, but that's in theory. In reality, some have 38hrs in a day, some 13hrs,...and some have just 8hrs.

E ni suru egbon, i'll explain. I call this the parable of the 24hrs.

Se ri, some people discovered that they have more to do than they can accommodate in their own 24hrs, so they approached people like you and I to buy some of our own hours. They buy 8hrs from 10hrs from another 6hrs from me and then add all these hours to their own. Egbon, once money changes hands or a promise to pay is agreed, those hours become theirs. They add It to their own 24hrs and deduct it from that of the seller. So ye yin de be yen?

OK. Now this is very important: Because time is a commodity that's highly dependent on its owner; iyen ni pe, when you give your time you also have to give yourself, the person you have sold part of your day's hours to will also need to get you physically to do whatever he wants to do. Se get me sir? This is why these 'time buyers' don't buy hours from just anybody. They make sure the person must have the necessary skills to use those hours PRODUCTIVELY for them to achieve whatever it is they want to achieve.

Egbon, when you are late or loafing about and they scream 'don't  waste my time', you have no right to complain. It is part of their day's hours that they want to MAXIMISE.
Egbon, when you have finished what you are asked only for them to add more, you can't complain sir because it's their day's hours won de lo bi won se fe.

So ye yin so far egbon?

Now e gbo eleyi. Not every hours of your day counts...even out of the remaining that you have not sold. The only hours that counts for you in your life time are those spent productively towards the pursuit of your goals, taking needed rest, and being around your family. The rest don't count and this is why you see that time goes quick and many have little or nothingn to show as achievements.

Egbon e calm down. I know we all sell part of our hours ....or waste it, and i'm not saying don't work again. My question is what value do you place on your time? E lo ni? And also, how do you maximise what is left?
While somebody sells each hour of his day In excess of £1000, another person engages in unproductive activities. This is what makes all the difference.

Ok egbon, let me conclude:
Spend your hours doing only what brings value to you. Focus your time solely on what you live for.
If you must sell your hours, charge what you know you deserve and don't be sorry for it.
If you must give your hours free to anyone, make sure they are those who appreciate and value what you are offering them.

My time which I have spent following you here, and which i'll spend to go back is not a waste because it was spent doing what I live for. I live to make impact, and feel fulfilled each time I do something as little as this.

Oja odaju n'ile aye, e de ni lati mo ná.

A ma rira later egbon. O dabo.


Friday Sharaout

Special Friday sharaout to all my brothers and sisters of God who are still frantically working their own salvation, even though the work of salvation has been completed at Calvary and all they require is faith in Christ Jesus.

E ku Ise takuntakun o! Meanwhile I want you to take note of Gal 2:19 (make una go read am).

Y'all quick to quote Phil 2:12 while you ignore the verse 13. Abi una no see say na comma end verse 12? Se comma dey finish sentence? Issokay continue.

Anyway, make I remind you also that there about 613 statues and ordinances you have to abide with to fulfil the works of the law and save yourself. You break one, you break all.

A ku jimoh o!

NB: Pulease if you have not voted for me, go and te s'oju e bayi!


Garlic Association

People who eat garlic don't usually close their mouth when breathing.
Do they have an association where their members are instructed to go and be practising this wickedness in public?

Yes, garlic is medicinal...bla bla bla....but pulease just close your mouth when you breathe. What you are letting out from your nostrils is already too much to handle.

Simple Question

(Man 2 meets Man 1 at the lift):

Man2: Are you going down?

Man1: (snapping his fingers over his head) i'm not going down in Jesus name.
(He stepped into the lift and pressed 'G' button)

Miserable Christians

So many christians are miserable because they live their lives under condemnation. The gospel they have had preached to them is not the gospel of Christ. It is witchcraft. The god they were introduced to is the wicked one, not the merciful God!

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Rom 8:1

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Hian Ekiti- 3

(In Ekiti)

All conversations in Ekiti dialect.

Lere: Oga mi, hian dake l'enu looloo yi? Hin ko gbo pe Abbey ti di Keneri lodo awon oloribu EFCC? Abbey nu a tu a lasiri oga mi wo si a dake!

Oshoko: Lere, asiko yi ko gba ruwo rara. Lere, Ogbon nua mu se. I'm thinking ahead now.

Lere: Mo jeri oga mi! Opolo po! Kinua ni ni mind ka se? Kia pe eleda Abbey pa kian ku sodo awon EFCC abi kinia ro lokan oga mi?

Oshoko: Lere, oro nu ti koja oro Abbey. Kian pa Abbey ko save wa o.  (Whispers into Lere's ear his plans)

Lere: yeeeeesi oooo! Oshoko! Yian s'alo bi ekolo mo won lowo! Tuale oga mi! Nibo ni hian gbe koto oun de bayi?

Oshoko: Ise nlo! Wo tian lo inspect won ni Saturday , hian pari e atleast 3 months before my immunity expires.

Lere: Pablo! Oshoko Escobar! Okan mi ye a bale bayi.

Friday 1 July 2016


Maturity is not a metric of numbers. It is the gracefulness with which you deal with (or/and rise above) certain situations.

Think back at how you have handled certain situations in the past 6 months:

Think of the moment you dropped your crown to wrestle in the mud with pigs when you should have acted gracefully.
Think about about the matter you worsened by your response, when your silence, even though painful, might have settled it and even earned you more respect.
Think of the gossip you stooped so low to get involved in, and how your contribution earned you disgrace.
Think about the public display of lunacy you put up to defend insults thrown at you, when you could have walked away gracefully and earn applause from on-lookers.
Think of the revenge you planned
Think about what you have against those who have had your back in the past and how you have disrespected or are still disrespecting them.

Do any of these make you a matured person? The answer is NO!

The Good news is that there's another chance for you starting from today to live a matured life.



The Epistle of Akin VòGg to the Jagunmolus chapter 17: 22-27


The Epistle of Akin VòGg to the Jagunmolus chapter 17: 22-27

 22. When they see that thy life is tidy, and that thou hast able to manage the challenges that life throws at thou well;
23. Then, the tribe of Abaniwonranbaorida will call unto the tribe of Asenitanbanidaro, to join forces together and suggest to thee counsel to bring thy life to turmoil.
24. My son, then shalt thou see beyond their friendly counsel and know that, that which they devise for thee is evil and not good.
25. Thou shalt be wise and courageous  not to follow the counsel which they give thee In thy bed chamber, but to throw it away whilst they depart from thy gates.
26. My son, do not bite more than thou can chew when they spread before thee sumptuous counsel from their table of temptation, lest thou become choked.
27. And when thou cry for help from the tribe of Abaniwonranbaorida and the tribe of Asenitanbanidaro, they will mock thee for falling into their trap, and they will drink and dance with their concubines and wives in celebration of thy disgrace.

May the Lord bless the reading and hearing of the word.


Senior Boys

A work mate met me in the lift and I guess he was in the mood to talk.

Him: Did you watch the England match yesterday?

Me: Yes I did.

Him: Ohh....they didn't play well at all. I don't like it...

I didn't reply until I was about to exit.

I looked into his eye and said: Let's worry about ourselves and not these boys. They are ok. They'll be fine. Let me and you look after our own lives.

Him: hun hun...say no more!


Trust me this is the mind set I want to take into the 2016/17 season. I don't want to get angry...I don't want to cuss any of these players again.
Even if Walcott can't score from a simple tap into an empty net, I just want to bless him and focus on my own destiny. What will my cuss do to him anyway? He's on £145k per week for godssake!

Even if Ozil start bringing sofabed to the pitch, I just want to bless him and focus on my destiny. I won't get angry and call him lazy again. Me that is hard working, I earn £200k in 5yrs? He earns this every 7days!- Sun, Mon, Tue, Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat.

I no longer care if Wilshere comes dead drunk to training everyday. I just want to bless him too and focus on my destiny. I watched him debut for the senior team at 16yrs, and he has since then gone to play in the Champions league and the National team. Me wey dey drink only when I get awuf drink, se I don dey work for Shell?

I don't care anymore whether Wenger spends or he buys back Diaby. I just want to bless him and focus on my destiny. If im no sabi wetin im dey do, he won't be managing one of the best clubs in Europe for over 10yrs. He must be damn good at what he does.

These guys deserve some RESPEK! Even E-money wey nobody sabi im source of wealth sef dey get respect from people, talkless of these guys who made sacrifices to get to this level! They worked damn hard! Na for age I be dier senior, but for destiny, they are granpas.

 I remember one time like that wey Ronaldo crash im Ferrari on his way to training. He just stood there and called for another car. Within few minutes, dem don bring Bentley come for am. Me wey I go loss ordinary oyster card with 1 week travel pass on it, I go mourn like say person die.

Sebi me sef talk say I be footballer, which club sign me? If truly say I good, why I no play pass Saturday league? I don't want to abuse anyone of them again. They are not my mate.

 I'm only human and there are days i'll forget this promise I made to myself. Dear friends, this is when I need you to help me. Call my attention to it. Don't let flesh take over me. Remind me not to insult my seniors.

Good aftanoon!