Wednesday 5 August 2015

Noooooo! Pulease Don't!

If anybody is owing you money, pulease don't use the method prescribed by Rihanna in her new video and song as the way to go o.
Don't kidnap.
Don't hire people to go and help you torture the person.
Don't abduct, torture, or kill the relative of the person.
Don't kill somebori or anybori o.

She might be proving she's above the law-that she can kill and get away with it. Iyen ninu film. Don't get deceived, there is a law in the land that forbids murder. If you try it them go catch you and you too will be sentenced to death. Rihanna will not come and bail you o. She'll be on the island somewhere smoking her bung and sniffing anything sniffable. Ko ran iyalaya e nise o.

She is a servant of somebori just like i am a servant of sombori. Ise ti won ba ran iko ni iko nje. The message she has been sent by her master is what she has delivered. Me too i'm delivering the message i have been sent by my own master.

The message she has delivered within 7mins and already seen by over 10m people including me, is about drugs, alcoholism, kidnap, turture, murder, violence and nudity (though this one don't need mention again). I am not one of those to be deceived. I have seen the light and I know whose report i should believe. However, me who have seen the light have been sent to show the light to other people so they do not walk on the path of darkness.

Thank God you cannot call me over-spiri because you know i be balanced individual.
You can't refer to me as naive because i'm an artist myself, and a creative one for that matter, so i know what i know.
I don't weave conspiracy because i'm not as well-read as those who specialises in that. I'm just talking from the point of view of sombody with the third eye.

The idea is to destroy as many as possible through whatever means available.

Won ni get yin o!

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