Wednesday 5 August 2015

How to cut a tree in 9Hours

Give me a task to chop down a tree in 9hrs and i'll be there sharpening my axe for 6hrs.

In as much as i know that mistakes are part of life, i don't like making them. I like to get things right at the first attempt in the smartest possible way.
This requires one thing- Preparation.

I see the planning/preparation stage as the most important of all the stages within a start-finish process.
This stage determines how much effort it'll require to finish a task or wether you'll even finish at all.

I like to first think through a task from beginning to the end to have an overview of the whole picture. Then, i try to figure out how i can simplify the whole process to reduce the labour (effort), cost and minimise or totally eradicate mistakes/errors.

There are some tasks that do not give the luxury of time to plan, what i do in those circumstances is to quickly evaluate the existing process of executing those types of task, and improve on them by eleminating the dormant, irrelevant and duplicated steps within the process and add my own new quick steps.

Hurrying through this stage had cost so many people fortunes.
Make all the mistakes you need to make at this stage before you proceed.
All the secrets you need to start and finish successfully are hidden within this stage.Take along with you all the valuables this stage has to offer.
Don't leave this stage empty-handed.


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