Thursday 5 March 2015


Since when churches' printed leaflets became business cards, both in design and contents.

Since when members of the evangelism team turned religious marketers.

Since when evangelism outreaches became members-sourcing and no longer soul-winning.

Since when the focus shifted from the Holy Spirit to the Only Man.

Since when the reading of the holy scripture inspired by the Holy Spirit was replaced with religious literatures written by a man.

Since when 'Daddy says' replaced 'God says'.

Since when the sitting capacity of the auditorium multiplied by the number of services per week became the focus of the pastorprenuer rather than the number of souls won multiplied by the righteous works exhibited in the society per day.

Since when grace became the fabric used in sewing that arrogant cloak that covers multitude of sin rather than the understanding that grace can only be accessed from the point of obedience.

Since when 'touch not my anointed' became the creed.



  1. Since when the so called saved have no time to commune with God the maker but keeps referring to what the "man of God" says.

    Since..... When.....
