Thursday 26 March 2015


Some people actually need others to make up their minds for them rather than seek knowledge, hold on to the truth they have discovered, and grow up with it.

Instead of living a confused life of being tossed here and there by varying opinions, there are several ways you can seek knowledge which will help you make an informed decision. Aside picking up a copy of the bible to read what it says concerning drinking, you can also consider the socio-economic-health-financial factors.
You do not need a pastor to endorse whether you should drink or not. Find out for yourself!

Did the bible condemn drinking? NO! The bible condenmed excessive consumption which will DEFINITELY lead one to comit other sins! And as we know, some people lack self-control in everything they do, especially if na awuf! Emu o tan, baba o lo. So if you fall into this category, then simply avoid drinking.

Socially, there are punishable offences that excessive consumption could make you violate. Consider also how excessive consumption of alcohol can damage your health and shorten your lifespan.
What of the financial strain that excessive spending on drinks put on you? Aso o pe meji ninu wardrobe elomi mo. O ti fi gbogbo e muti tan.

So what is moderate?
There is a legal limit set by the government which is considered to be the limit within which you can still function normally in the society without endagering your own life and the lives of others. But guess what? This is some people's excess! So in essence, what is moderate is left for individuals to determine for themselves. Indivuduals should decide what they can handle and stick to it!

Also, let me mention here that turning to alcohol as a form of escaping from a problem or challenge is a form of cowardice. Challenges are there to be confronted and defeated, not masked or ignored.
Alcohol CANNOT help you overcome your challenges, it only make them appear not to exist momentarily until the effect wears off you.

When you consider all these things you'll be well-informed to DECIDE FOR YOUSELF whether you want to drink or not and how much you should consume instead of waiting for a pastor to help you decide.

This goes for all other aspects of our lives as well. God knows the recklessness of man hence He put laws around us as hedges to curb our excesses, to prolong our lives and above all to keep our focus on Him and not get carried away with these distractions.

Many people do a lot of things today not because they have  strong convictions about them but because they are the 'do/do-not followers'.
Pastors ain't helping matters because they preach by form of threat of heaven and hell, and not teaching to impart knowledge. No wonder we have lots of christian pretenders today. They raised them to be so. These people who only do what pleases thier pastors in their presence and behave differently in their closets.
Sirs, please teach people not threaten them. Open their eyes to the truth and leave them to make their own choices. Please engage their God's-given brains and not treat them like mumu. Kindly stick to what the bible says, do not add or take away from it, and then leave the rest for the Holy Spirit, who is in charge of convicting and conversion.

Let us all seek knowledge and truth rather than live our lives based on what somebody else says.
Live according to your own convictions- the truth you have sought out  for yourself, and you don't have to live in fear of what people think about you.

Please, oya come and go and help me tell pastor for me that i drink wine o.

1 comment:

  1. God bless and shall increase you in wisdom you have nailed it on the head we need the truth that set free not the fact that makes one partially informed
