Wednesday 15 January 2014


You wonder why you can't stop cheating even after marriage or why you are easily influenced by wrong associations around you?

The simple reason is because you have refused to train yourself up with the right values and stand by them. You are not weak, it's just that you can't give what you don't have.

You don't just decide not to steal public funds after you have been elected into the office. You must have built up your value of integrity overtime. From the little details to the bigger ones.

Joseph had settled the issue before the challenge arose. He had his values already decided and that was why he was able to say 'no' to Potiphar's wife.

The three Hebrew children already had the value of not serving a lesser god built up in them even before the pronouncement was made. They knew what they stand for and even the fiery furnace could not change their minds.

Values cannot be built at the point of challenge.

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