Wednesday 15 January 2014

Mind vs Me

(A conversation with my mind)

Mind: Hey...ogbeni i noticed you are not happy.

Me: True. Things no be as i want am jare.

Mind: So whose fault is that?

Me: Well...whoelse can i blame? I blame myself na... but you see some situations are beyond my control so i can't entirely blame myself.

Mind: So whoelse shares the blame with you? God?

Me: Hmmm....i would have loved to blame Him but He has tried for me now. Even though i was not born with a silver spoon, he has given me all i need to enable me eat with golden spoons....but it's just not happening still.

Mind: So what do you think is the problem?

Me: Wo fimisile jare if i know i won't be feeling this way. I am not in the mood for this abeg.

Mind: I'll leave you to relax but let me just drop these words for you to think about.

Do you know that success lies in your path but people just like you are always blaming their failures on negative circumstances sorrounding them. Look, the people who get ahead are those who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they make them.

Do you know that you have a mind that has the same characteristic as the land. The land does not dictate to the farmer what to plant. A farmer can plant anything he wants; the land only return the harvest bountifully.The only difference is that your mind is far more fertile, but the same principle applies. It doesn't care what kind of seeds you plant; success or failure, good or evil, anxiety or peace - what you sow returns to you. Therefore, sow the right kind of seeds. Change your thinking. Do things that will take you outside your comfort zone because life only begins when you step outside it. Ask for help when you need it. Give God the best part of your day.

Me: But are you saying i have not been planting the right seed? I know i have been doing the right things joo....pushing myself hard.

Mind: If that is the case, then you have to understand the principles of planting and harvesting. There is a period of germination. A farmer needs to be patient during this period otherwise he'll reap unripe harvest.

Me: I tire abeg....make i rest.

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