Wednesday 15 January 2014

Don't get distracted

Beware of those who change their mind about you when your circumstances change.

Build your life on those who believe the best about you, and want to bring it out.
Shake off those fickle-minded people around you...funny enough awon ni won tun ma n poju layika enia. You don't need them. Their comments don't matter...they are unstable. Stop seeking their approval or likes before you do anything. Ko da nkankan fun e.

Ki eyín kún enu ko ni issue but to ba je meji pere ni ko solid ko de le wó egungun. You need hardcore people around you. Those who'll get your back come rain, come shine. Those who believe in you when you are even doubting yourself. Those who sees beyond your current level or situation.
It's only with these people you can progress in life. Awon iyoku, ariwo oja lasan ni won- distractions.

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