Friday 17 January 2014


The next category of Nigerians are the posh ones. They don't mix except you are in their class.
The nature of my work and my gift of singing gave me the priviledge of coming close to individuals in this category.


This category consist of Nigerians who migrated here from a tender age, professionals, scholars, family members of the ruling class, royal families and children from wealthy homes who are here to study.

They have more or less a western mentality even though their root is tied thousand of miles away. Iwa won o ba ti wa mu rara.
I was once invited to a wedding ceremony of one of the people in this category to sing and i saw the father of the bride and the bride standing outside side by side smoking. ...."see gobe".

They usually go by their 'english' names and their link to Nigeria is only for reference purposes.

This set of Nigerians work and hold top positions in reputable firms and earn good money. They are well-read, smart and focused.

They understand the power and importance of smart appearance, networking and good organisation. They respect and appreciate talents (music, arts, fashion), have great tastes and enjoy good living. They go for the best and can't stand mediocrity.

They are assertive, blunt, snobish and proud. Some of them are very loyal until you mess up and they can be unforgiven.

They live on the outskirts of the city or in expensive postcodes. The doors of their houses are not opened to every dick and harry. Ti won o ba pe e o gbodo yoju sile won. No appointment no chance of seeing them.
Even when invited to visit the only entertainment you'll get is tea and buscuit (Wine in extreme cases) ....wa de wo documentary channel. The visit is timed and the usual lines of conversation are centered on politics, economics, galleries, education. NO JUNKS!

Their parties are also strictly by invitation and invites are mainly extended to people of their riffraffs.

They are organised to a fault. Time to eat, study, work, holidays etc gbogbo e l'aye wa fun. They live a diary life. No loose time to mess about. They are not loud. They are always striving to improve on themselves to become better.

They are usually seen as not willing to help but this is because they are very protective of their reputation especially with the dubious character associated with Nigerians.

Some of them are religious but not to the point of madness. They attend church only when it's convinient and usually they attend oyinbo church (Church of England) where the service is very brief, straightforward and not confusing.
They don't believe in prayer alone. You must WORK HARD AND PUT YOUR BEST INTO WHATEVER THING YOU DO.
They don't put too much expectation in God to come and solve things they can handle on their own.

Mixing with people in this category will change your mindset. You will be taught not to settle for less. They push you to go for the best. They stretch you to the extreme. They make you to think highly of yourself and not feel inferior to oyinbo.
They teach you how to package yourself to get whatever you want in life.
They don't give freebies despite they have in excess. You must work to earn everything you want.
They know the legal loopholes in the system to explore to get whatever you want.

You must however be careful and smart when dealing with them not to turn you into thier slaves as they have tendencies of users. O ni lati soji ara e otherwise won a lo e pa laisi anfani kankan to ma ri je lara won.

You are only destined for one spot if you mix with people in this category and that is the THE TOP!

I don try jare (wiping my brow).

Wednesday 15 January 2014


When the going gets tough and survival becomes so difficult then you'll notice (or come across) the second category of Nigerians whose progress is at a distant variance to yours.
You'll begin to wonder how they could afford their livestyles. Se owo ise £10/hr naa ni won save lati fi ra BMW X7? What about their  designer gears, jewelries and the lavish houses they live in. Owo ti won ma nna ni party nko as if they have the keys to the bank of England? You are confused because they do similar jobs to whatelse are they doing that you are not?
(This is a very sensitive group so i'll tread cautiously).

2. The OLODUS (Find the English meaning yourself)

This group consist of young and middle-aged individuals. This group is not gender-specific as both genders are capable of pulling the same level of stunts.
Activities carried out within this group is very broad such as:
Bank frauds, drug-pushing, yahooyahoo (internet frauds), Credit card scams, robbery, genje producers and benefits fraud. I'll also like to include naija supervisors who are experts in managing ghost workers at their respective places of work and the final one being young and mature ladies who sell their bodies to fund their lifestyles.
I think it won't be out of place if i include corner shop pastors, alfas and wooli in this category as well.

Some have jobs to cover up the real deal because of societal stigma,  some no send anybody and they are proud of what they do.

The major spots for people in this categories are clubs, African restaurants, betting shops and barbing salons.

The lifestyles of people in this category are the major reasons why folks back home wants to come to London at all cost. The see pixs of how large they live, they see how every week containers are cleared at the port on their behalf, they also come across them on their occasional visits home where they flaunt their ill-gotten wealth. These people make your folks at home, who don't know what is going on here to mount unnecessary pressure on you. 'Kini iwo n joko se nibeyen...omo lagbaja ti pari ile ba ri motor ti awon obi e gan ngun...?' 'Send motor si awa naa o....wa k'ole sibi o' etc

It is very easy for people from first category to be lured in this world of Odu especially those who with financial problems and students struggling to pay their fees. I belonged to the latter category but never considered it as the best route out of my financial predicament. Even when i was approached to help gbe oja lo si Holland at a fee that could ease (not solve) my problem, i refused. Ofcourse i wish to enjoy life like them but emi mi o gbe.  Even when some of the things you might be asked to do can be as simple as supplying an address or account or picking up an item, you still have to be bold.

Truth be told, people here are intelligent and smart and could have become successful in life without delving into this life of fraud, but the love for fast-living and greed has robbed them of the needed patience.

They have the best of everything: cars, clothes, women, properties. When everything is going well for them you cannot but envy them but the end of most of them is not what you'll wish for yourself.

Unlike the first group, these people come in contact with the oyinbo in different levels: as sex-partners (they usually hook in clubs and end up in bed), as maga-mates (online targets to be swindled), as business mates (where accent is needed for telephone deals or in-person where seeing an oyinbo will make the deal sail through easily).

People in this category are always moving houses and changing contact details.

Individusls here also attend places of worship not neccessarily for worship but to show off their latest ride, clothes, and to hook up with new partners.
Ladies easily fall in love with men in this category because they are known to be jaye-jayes and good spenders who'll spoil them silly. There are though some bad ones among them who are simply faworajas. They only package to lure, use and dump these unsuspecting and greedy girls.

They are party animals, show-offs, pretenders and calous but bold and intelligent.

If you roll with people in this category, there is a very high chance of you ending up in jail.

Hmmm....o ti re mi. I wan rest. be continued.

Don't get distracted

Beware of those who change their mind about you when your circumstances change.

Build your life on those who believe the best about you, and want to bring it out.
Shake off those fickle-minded people around you...funny enough awon ni won tun ma n poju layika enia. You don't need them. Their comments don't matter...they are unstable. Stop seeking their approval or likes before you do anything. Ko da nkankan fun e.

Ki eyín kún enu ko ni issue but to ba je meji pere ni ko solid ko de le wó egungun. You need hardcore people around you. Those who'll get your back come rain, come shine. Those who believe in you when you are even doubting yourself. Those who sees beyond your current level or situation.
It's only with these people you can progress in life. Awon iyoku, ariwo oja lasan ni won- distractions.

Mind vs Me

(A conversation with my mind)

Mind: Hey...ogbeni i noticed you are not happy.

Me: True. Things no be as i want am jare.

Mind: So whose fault is that?

Me: Well...whoelse can i blame? I blame myself na... but you see some situations are beyond my control so i can't entirely blame myself.

Mind: So whoelse shares the blame with you? God?

Me: Hmmm....i would have loved to blame Him but He has tried for me now. Even though i was not born with a silver spoon, he has given me all i need to enable me eat with golden spoons....but it's just not happening still.

Mind: So what do you think is the problem?

Me: Wo fimisile jare if i know i won't be feeling this way. I am not in the mood for this abeg.

Mind: I'll leave you to relax but let me just drop these words for you to think about.

Do you know that success lies in your path but people just like you are always blaming their failures on negative circumstances sorrounding them. Look, the people who get ahead are those who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they make them.

Do you know that you have a mind that has the same characteristic as the land. The land does not dictate to the farmer what to plant. A farmer can plant anything he wants; the land only return the harvest bountifully.The only difference is that your mind is far more fertile, but the same principle applies. It doesn't care what kind of seeds you plant; success or failure, good or evil, anxiety or peace - what you sow returns to you. Therefore, sow the right kind of seeds. Change your thinking. Do things that will take you outside your comfort zone because life only begins when you step outside it. Ask for help when you need it. Give God the best part of your day.

Me: But are you saying i have not been planting the right seed? I know i have been doing the right things joo....pushing myself hard.

Mind: If that is the case, then you have to understand the principles of planting and harvesting. There is a period of germination. A farmer needs to be patient during this period otherwise he'll reap unripe harvest.

Me: I tire abeg....make i rest.

The explosion at work

Mo ranti ojo ti mo gbe obe ayamase lo si ile ise mi tele. Mo fe fi gbesan lara awon omo to ma nje curry yen ni.

Losan, nigbati oju gbogbo pe, mo gbe obe naa sinu ero amounje-gbona (microwave), mo ko'na mo fun iseju marun, emi pada si ijoko mi loke.

Nibi iseju melo kan, oorun gba gbogbo ile ise, mo gbo ti gbogbo won nwuko, ti won nsin; mo so lokan mi pe 'e o ti mo nkankan'.
Ko pe lehin e ni eran saki to mbe ninu obe yi be gbamu! Beeni okan lara awon osise sare wa pe mi wipe 'your food has exploded'. Erin arin-lamiloju ni mo rin lojo naa.

Nigbati emi gan wa nje, ni se ni oogun nbo lara mi bi alagbase to nl'agi ninu oorun.


You wonder why you can't stop cheating even after marriage or why you are easily influenced by wrong associations around you?

The simple reason is because you have refused to train yourself up with the right values and stand by them. You are not weak, it's just that you can't give what you don't have.

You don't just decide not to steal public funds after you have been elected into the office. You must have built up your value of integrity overtime. From the little details to the bigger ones.

Joseph had settled the issue before the challenge arose. He had his values already decided and that was why he was able to say 'no' to Potiphar's wife.

The three Hebrew children already had the value of not serving a lesser god built up in them even before the pronouncement was made. They knew what they stand for and even the fiery furnace could not change their minds.

Values cannot be built at the point of challenge.



These are only my thoughts borne out of my many interactions with different Nigerian folks since i came into this country.

I am not refferring to any particular person(s) in this write up neither have i deliberately set out to rubbish the Nigerian community of which i belong, but to shed some light on the different mentalities we exhibit which i find to be the major reason behind our different levels of achievement in this country.

Please read this piece with an open mind.

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When you come into this country, the category of Nigerian you mix up with will determine how you live your life and ultimately what you achieve.
Category you ask?
Yes, we have different types of Nigerians in this side of the world. From now on i'll be specific with my location, which is London.

I'll try as much as possible to state the different characteristics exhibited by each category but will deliberately omit some sensitive ones or not dwell extensively on them.

1. THE ONISE (Workaholics)

I am beginning with this category because they are the largest and  the people here were my first contacts in my early days in this country.

People in this group are extreme workaholics. Their only belief is that 'awa f'ase n'ilu yi ni o'. You see them living the house as early as 4am with their backpacks and not returning until late in the night. Nothingelse. Many of them have a closed mind towards other things like broadening their horizon or improving on themselves.
They are experts in working menial jobs and they quickly suggest this to you as soon as you arrive. 'O je lo wa ise cleaning, security or care ko de ma fa lo ni ti e'. This is their beginning and the end. They don't see themsleves or any black folk doing anythingelse.

They do not enjoy the money they earn as they believe in sending everything home- 'Ile l'abo isinmi oko'. Their usual line of prayer is 'Ki Oluwa sa saanu fun wa ninu ilu yi ni, ko de je ka ko're oko d'ele'.
There are several sad tales of many of them loosing all their hard-earned money to relatives or friends at home who they trusted to help them invest, save or complete whatever project thet had in mind. Owo w'ogbo! Wahala won ja s'asan. Bee won o ri aye to da gbe n'ilu oyinbo.

People here are extremely cautious in spending 'Pans' as they call it. Everything is first converted to Naira equivalent forgetting that is not the legal currency here.
When you roll with this people, you will believe that shopping in west-end is a taboo. 'ehn ki lo wa de'be?'
Why do you have to drive when there are buses? If you must own a car get a banger (cheap not new or fairly new).
Around 2005, the popular mobile contract they sign up for is the 6pm-6am and weekend calls because it was cheap and they can gossip for as long as they want. Hardly do anyone call during the day. I found this foolish. Why would i be carrying a phone about and I can't make a call lataro titi di ale? When i signed up my 1st contract i took the latest D600 phone and anytime call. Though expensive with small amount of call mins but that is me- i am driven by PURPOSE AND QUALITY. Little did i know that i have sinned. I heard all manners of preaching and how foolish i was from my flatmates and people around (lori owo mi o).

Most of the people here will rather spend money to appear rich rather than live a good quality life. They buy gold, several 'aso-ebi' for parties and spray musicians dollars but live in a room for several years. ' Landlord ko ni mo wa sin n'ilu yi...kini mo fe ma san aduru owo yen fun?'
If they hear that someone has rented a 1-bed flat, they quickly advise the person to rent out the room to generate extra income and be managing the livingroom. The point is comfort is the least in their priorities.

The people here are religious as well as fetish. They follow every pastor, wooli, alfa....won de ma ngbe ebo.

Some people in this group have upgraded themselves as soon as their stay in the country was normalised so you can say thier choice of living was 'conditioned' as in e get as e be, while the majority are still living this way despite having no reasons to. The only upgrade they have done to themselves since dem don gba'we was to apply for council residences and find further avenues to be fleecing the government.

In summary, everyting here is about menial work, money, saving, irresponsible show-off spendings and poor quality of life and low mentality.

I don taya jare. be continued.