Thursday 23 May 2013

SOS from Russia

(A call from russia)

Koradini: My lord you have a call from Russia sir.

Satan: Russia? Who is it? Take the message i'm eating.

(15 mins later)

Satan: Koradini! Who was the caller from Russia?

Koradini: My lord, it was the leader of the Association of Nigerian students in Russia. They need your assistance sir.

Satan: Nigerian students in russia? On what? If they want to invite me for any of the programmes, i hope you have told them i can't come because that place is too cold?

Koradini: My lord it's not about that sir. He said the students which the government sent to Russia on scholarship are suffering because their allowances has not been paid for the past 6 months. They have been surviving by begging from fellow students from Ghana and Zimbabwe for money and accomodation.

Satan: (cutting in) So what do they need me for? To come and pay what their government owes them?

Koradini: No my lord. He said they have prayed to the Great One to help deal with those officials involved but He's too merciful and not taking quick action so they have come to you to please handle the matter for them. They want you to show these people making life difficult for them the brutal side of you.

Satan: (shaking his feet) hmmm....that one will be tough o. They want me to face these evil people? O ma le die.

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