Thursday 23 May 2013


(Mirudin rushes in)

Satan: Were ni e ni? Why did you burst into the house like that?

Mirudin: My lord...sorry sir! (Bowing down) sorry sir. But i came in to inform you that a mob attacked us sir. I only managed to escape but Koradini is not that lucky sir. He is under intense attack sir.....

Satan:What?!! People attacked you? why? where? who are they?

Mirudin: We were attacked at the market sir. The woman we wanted to buy stuffs from raised an alarm that we gave her fake notes.

Satan: (Slapped Mirudin) You must be stewpid! How many times have i warned you people not to practise such manipulation? how many times?

Mirudin: My lord sir...we did not! we did not...sir!

Satan: So where did you get the fake notes? how did you come about it?

Mirudin: erm.....from the ATM my lord.....

Satan: ATM?! A-T-M? A-T.........ERM..........this country is finished. SO ATM now dispenses fake notes?
Ok get the boys to go and rescue Koradini then i'll think of what next to do. I MUST RELOCATE....ENOUGH!!!!

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