Wednesday 27 May 2015

Mo n ronu lowo - 2

 I am convinced that my circle is the main reason why i'm stucked on this same level.

You see, there is a circle that appreciates and reward, and there is a circle that appreciates but don't reward. I am sorrounded by the latter....
I will keep getting appreciated but not rewarded if i retain this current circle as my target.

Now, crossing over to the other circle is not as straightforward as it looks. In asmuch as they reward, they demand more.They do not settle for less. They do not tolerate mediocrity. So in essence, my present level of operation is considered not impressive. I NEED TO DO MORE. I NEED TO INCREASE VALUE.

If i keep adding value while expecting or trying to force out reward from this current circle i belong to, there would be a revolt as they do not see any reason why i should demand for more reward. My curent level is ok as far as they as concerned. Infact i'm better than many in their own rating. E sa mo wipe nilu afoju, oloju kan l'oba won.

My circle determines how i think, how i act, and my ultimate success. Getting cozy with their accolades will stop me from improving and cap my growth.

Circles determine your limits. If you are not getting rewarded, check your circle.

Retreat. Re-evaluate. Re-launch.


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