Saturday 14 February 2015

Somebody, somewhere is watching

Just because hardwork is usually not rewarded monetarily, most people avoid going the extra mile. They justify this by saying 'afterall i won't be paid for it'.

What i have realised is that hardwork is rewarded by good recommendation which is far better than money.
There is no limit to where you can reach in life when people can put good words out there for you.

Good references can court favour for you in a place where mercy is an alien word.

Put your best into everything you do whether you are getting paid for it or not. Don't bother even if it seems your hardwork is not being noticed. Somebody, somewhere is watching.
That somebody will someday say something somewhere that'll open doors which money cannot open for you.

Ma sise lo ma se ro wipe a o ri lala re.
Gbogbo ise re la nko sile, beeni oogun oju re ko kan sile lasan
Lojo ti iwo ko ro la o san gbogbo ere ise owo re fun o.
Ma sise lo ma se ro wipe a o ri lala re.

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