Monday 9 May 2016

The Church need to get real

Marriages are collapsing everywhere, people are making wrong decisions that are destiny-changing, youths are confused, and the church that ought to serve as the compass is stucked in time past.

People have issues....when will the church begin to preach the gospel that is relevant with time?

Only very few practical churches exist. The rest are just breeding hypocrite christians.

People have heard the word, they can quote the word but CANNOT APPLY THE WORD.
When will the church quit ceremony and begin to address the real life issues that people deal with Monday to Friday?

When will the church change their bible study structure from print & read to actually entertaining questions from people and providing answers through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit?

Christianity is a WAY OF LIFE, not a cult as we see it being run today. The people have read that bible passage about Capernum and Bethel countless of time, they want to know how they can apply it to their living in Lagos and London, otherwise it's just another story with no relevance.

When will the church return power and relevance back to the scripture?

Folks have issues they want to discuss but the church is not listening.

When will this structure of come-hear-dont't talk back-sing&dance-pay money- go back home the same, end?

Take Nigeria for instance, so many churches yet zero godliness.

Ki la nse gan?!

It's all becoming routine and boring for me o, emi o de like ki n ma waste time mi.

Let me close with the commentary of my brother Olorunleke Morakinyo Tolubori Olujobi on this matter:

''People are in Church to hear practical, yet Bible-based approach to their financial woes, persecution at place of work and series of failures. Some are there to receive real-life teachings about thier addictions and behavioural problems. Many are there; poor and needy, talented but without support, hoping congregating with "brothers" would provide succour. Yet the Pastor is busy brainwashing, entertaining even. Strategizing on how to get more from these hapless people, and how he can become a "Bishop" of his motor-garage single-branch church in the shortest time. It is a hopeless situation.''


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