Monday 9 May 2016

Hair Style

We don't ask a lady rocking a low cut why she's wearing a man's look, we simply compliment her look. However, hell is let loose when a man braids his hair, or even rock a decent locs.

If somebody wears a wig or fake hair it's ok, but when someone style their natural hair the way it pleases them, they are jumped upon.
Can somebody please help me justify this double standard.

It's called hair S T Y L E for godsake! Olorun ma gba mi ke!

HAIR- is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis, or skin.

STYLE- relating to PERSONAL grooming preference.

Ki lo fa wahala gan naa?
The 2 problems i see in this matter are PERCEPTION & IGNORANCE.

If only people will take thier time to study the history of hair grooming/styles dating back to 30,000yrs then maybe they'll stop spewing rubbish or getting involved in what other people do with what BELONGS to them.

GOD DID NOT CREATE ANY HAIRSTYLE, human did. If anything, there are only records in the bible of certain individuals whom He instructed not to allow razor pass through thier hair.

Read! Read! Don't die ignorant.
Don't believe everything people tell you. Find out yourself!

Do what you are comfortable and happy with as long as it does not HARM other people.


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