Monday 9 May 2016

You are your own limits

Many often take the limits of their role models as theirs. The problem I find in this is that you might not reach your full potential if your role model's standard was low or they have underperformed.

If you travel the path that was cleared by others, you can only go as far as the path ends, thinking the journey ends there. If you create your own path, only you can determine how far you want to travel.

Role-modelling is good don't get me wrong; but follow the one who has achieved the unbelievable. This will stretch you to your max.

You are your own limits.


The Church need to get real

Marriages are collapsing everywhere, people are making wrong decisions that are destiny-changing, youths are confused, and the church that ought to serve as the compass is stucked in time past.

People have issues....when will the church begin to preach the gospel that is relevant with time?

Only very few practical churches exist. The rest are just breeding hypocrite christians.

People have heard the word, they can quote the word but CANNOT APPLY THE WORD.
When will the church quit ceremony and begin to address the real life issues that people deal with Monday to Friday?

When will the church change their bible study structure from print & read to actually entertaining questions from people and providing answers through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit?

Christianity is a WAY OF LIFE, not a cult as we see it being run today. The people have read that bible passage about Capernum and Bethel countless of time, they want to know how they can apply it to their living in Lagos and London, otherwise it's just another story with no relevance.

When will the church return power and relevance back to the scripture?

Folks have issues they want to discuss but the church is not listening.

When will this structure of come-hear-dont't talk back-sing&dance-pay money- go back home the same, end?

Take Nigeria for instance, so many churches yet zero godliness.

Ki la nse gan?!

It's all becoming routine and boring for me o, emi o de like ki n ma waste time mi.

Let me close with the commentary of my brother Olorunleke Morakinyo Tolubori Olujobi on this matter:

''People are in Church to hear practical, yet Bible-based approach to their financial woes, persecution at place of work and series of failures. Some are there to receive real-life teachings about thier addictions and behavioural problems. Many are there; poor and needy, talented but without support, hoping congregating with "brothers" would provide succour. Yet the Pastor is busy brainwashing, entertaining even. Strategizing on how to get more from these hapless people, and how he can become a "Bishop" of his motor-garage single-branch church in the shortest time. It is a hopeless situation.''


Self Esteem

SELF-ESTEEM: You are your own worst enemy if you lack it, and cannot develop one.

Place some value on yourself.
Carry yourself well.


Hair Style

We don't ask a lady rocking a low cut why she's wearing a man's look, we simply compliment her look. However, hell is let loose when a man braids his hair, or even rock a decent locs.

If somebody wears a wig or fake hair it's ok, but when someone style their natural hair the way it pleases them, they are jumped upon.
Can somebody please help me justify this double standard.

It's called hair S T Y L E for godsake! Olorun ma gba mi ke!

HAIR- is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis, or skin.

STYLE- relating to PERSONAL grooming preference.

Ki lo fa wahala gan naa?
The 2 problems i see in this matter are PERCEPTION & IGNORANCE.

If only people will take thier time to study the history of hair grooming/styles dating back to 30,000yrs then maybe they'll stop spewing rubbish or getting involved in what other people do with what BELONGS to them.

GOD DID NOT CREATE ANY HAIRSTYLE, human did. If anything, there are only records in the bible of certain individuals whom He instructed not to allow razor pass through thier hair.

Read! Read! Don't die ignorant.
Don't believe everything people tell you. Find out yourself!

Do what you are comfortable and happy with as long as it does not HARM other people.


Focus on the Do

Don't mind what I say but what I do.
Ignore my talks and focus on my deeds.
Judge me by my actions and not the jargon I often speak or fail to speak.

Everybody can talk the talk, not everybody can do the do
A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds
A thousand words will not leave so much impression as one deed
Always aim at complete harmony of word and deed
Practice what you preach
Let deeds not words speak of you.

Emi ma n dan gbogbo emi wo o! You can only convince me with your deeds and not your words.  Call me a doubting Thomas- mo fara mo.

...and because some people be good actors, God gave us discerning spirit. Asiri e ma tu sa ni.

Friday 6 May 2016

Mind the Time

The only wrong some people committed was that they were ahead of their time, and so were not understood.

Having great talents, fantastic ideas, excellent team but operating in the wrong time, is like planting a good seed in the wrong soil. No matter how much you water it, asedanu ni!

In life you can either be:

Ahead of time?
If you realise this; just stop everything you are doing and wait for the right time. Trying to force things to work will lead to frustration and diminish your value before the right time comes along.

Behind time?
Operating in this time only turn you to a person of ridicule. The only remedy here is if you meet with the God that restores time and lost opportunities, to give you a NEW SEASON to operate in.

On time?
This is the best time to operate in. Everything works! You are accepted, understood and get results!

So after you have done everything right and the desired result remain elusive, check the time you are operating in. This might be where the problem lies, not in your ideas or talent.