Wednesday 27 April 2016

When will you receive sense to go and build your own home?

'...when shall I provide for my own house also?'

Jacob asked Laban this question in Genesis 30:30, after he had served fourteen years for what should have been seven.

My message of today is for those who have abandoned their own visions and dreams, and are helping others build theirs. When will you receive sense to go and build your own home?

You say you have the calling of God upon your life but you have been serving for several years in a ministry where your roles on weekdays are driving and gardening, and come Sunday, you are the senior pastor's hypeman. They tell you jumbo tales of how they are training you for the task ahead. They mess up your mind with bogus promises to help you start your own ministry WHEN IT IS TIME! Some of you even think that when you serve with your whole life, that can impress the G.O to will the ministry to you upon his retirement or death! You are a joker o! Let me tell you this- the ministry will remain a heirloom. O kan fe sin ori olori ku ni.
For how long will you continue to cooperate with the spirit of Laban to keep you under slavery? When will you receive sense to go and build your own home?

Even some musicians have been tied down by the owners of some ministries, and are not allowed to go and create their own platform to showcase the gift of God in their lives. When they notice you are getting outside invitations, then they tie you down with some ridiculous economic or ministerial benefits. The gift that should give you room to flourish now becomes caged!
For how long will you continue to cooperate with the spirit of Laban to keep you under slavery? When will you receive sense to go and build your own home?

It's ok to be a worker in a ministry but when you become engrossed in the service to the detriment of your family, business, vision, work, health etc, then you are in danger of wasting your destiny.  Get this fact right: that ministry is their own VISION. It's their own dream they are fulfilling. So when they use words like 'you must attend', you have no choice but to do it', and wrap it up with the name of God or Jesus, they are only messing up your mind. It's even mental to see the owners of the vision chilling in their luxurious homes while they use phones to order you around. Eyin ti ma de church lati 5am while they won't arrive until after the praise and worship. After the service, they are gone with their family while you stay back till late to tidy and lock up. Won ti foruko Jesu so e di mugu. Helping others to build their own vision should be voluntary and non-detrimental. Do you even know that some people can't even leave some ministries? As in, they are TIED down!
For how long will you continue to cooperate with the spirit of Laban to keep you under slavery? When will you receive sense to go and build your own home?

This matter is not limited to religious places alone, it's happening also in the secular world.
The boss you are working for can also be a Laban, who'll want to keep you at all cost because of the value he finds in you.
Just like Laban refused Jacob's request to quit, some of these bosses also do the same. They tie you down with pay rises that does not make any significant impact in the profit you make for them. Think: if you use that same brain and enthusiasm to build your own vision, won't you succeed? Why are you afraid of starting small? Why are you satisfied to be in the little (which to you is big) aquarium you are, when you can have more room in the ocean?
For how long will you continue to cooperate with the spirit of Laban to keep you under slavery? When will you receive sense to go and build your own home?

Just like Jabob, you have made other people, ministries, businesses bigger as a result of the grace you carry, but when will you let this grace work for you?
God has given you the gifts but He won't tell you how to trade with it, YET HE WILL RETURN TO ASK YOU TO GIVE ACCOUNT OF YOUR STEWARDSHIP.

Lastly, watch out for those who'll want you to conform to their own standard by discarding your own uniqueness while helping them to build their vision. They want you to look, dress and talk in a certain way that suits their own vision, thereby loosing your own standout features. These are signs to recogise a Laban. Somebody who is not a Laban will respect you for who you are, help you retain your uniqueness, and also give you a platform to build your own vision.

The most wicked thing about the spirit of Laban is that regardless of how long you have served, when it's time for you to go, it sends you out EMPTY. So for how long will you continue to cooperate with the spirit of Laban to keep you under slavery? When will you receive sense to go and build your own home?


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