Friday 29 April 2016


Before a man can be regarded as a General, he must have up to 5000 men serving under him.
So if you need the attendance of 5,000 people at an event, one way to do it is to invite them one by one, with no guarantee that all will attend, but the smartest way to do it is to invite the General and request him to come along with all his men.
This is called INFLUENCE.

How many of such men of influence do you have around you?
What's the quality of your contact list? Influential or nuisance?
Who are the kind of people you refer to as acquaintances? Goal-getters or excuses? Strong-willed or weak-minded? Doers or talkers?

Have you come across people who upon meeting you for the first time will only ask 3 questions, the 4th depending on your response especially from the 3rd question. They want to know who you are, where you work, and what you do where you work. The 4th question which centers on exchange of contacts will only happen when they are satisfied that your relationship can be beneficial. That is how goal-getters operate!

How do you determine who becomes your acquaintance? Do you even have a standard? Not everybody should make your list of acquaintances.
Your destination will determine your journey mates. Only when you know what you want with your life will you be able to chose who should be around you. Only when you have a goal will you be able to chose rightly those who'll be useful, and identify/eliminate/avoid those who'll derail you.

Sometimes the solution you need is not only in the place of prayer/deliverance. It's also with those people of influence that you know. Modecai did not have access to the King but he had Esther!

Regardless of how complex the situation some people find themself in is, the solution is just a phone call away. Influence is one of the reasons why some get results and others don't.

Keep your circle small but rich!


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