Thursday 4 June 2015


Are people really educated or just skilled in literacy?

Is the ability to blow and write complicated grammer enough proof to say that somebody is educated?

Does the degree you get after 4 years of study confer on you the bragging right to say you are educated?

Can we re-define education, please?

Education is the passing down of knowledge, skills, abilities, values and competences.

You can't impress me with your long list of degree awards- especially when any of the elements contained in the definition of education above is missing. As far as i'm concerend, you are an illiterate.

I'm drawn to people by their depth of wisdom.
I respect only those who have the ability to apply the knowledge they have acquired.
I can't give you the merit of being educated just because you attended an ivy-league institution. I need to see how you reason and function before i give you the benefit of doubt.

Education is not speaking english.
Education is not 'quoting quotes'.
Education is FUNCTIONING.


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