Monday 24 July 2017




This is the 'i better pass my neighbor' bill.
For those who'll rather buy respect than earn it, this is the bill to pay.
This is the bill to be paid to get yourself into some kind of associations, knowing that you win or lose respect based on the company that you keep.

This is the bill that keep telling you to ask for more shift hours at work.
This is the bill that gets you to work more than one job.
This is why you invest (sow seeds) in the establishments of these pastorpreneurs, and/or seek financial miracles in other strange places.

This is not a bill of survival but has claimed the lives of many, and stripped others of their self-worth.

In this current dispensation, you cannot claim to be blessed without tendering the receipts of this bill as proof.

You are indebted to this bill for as long as you are in pursuit of happiness- the one you think can be bought.


Wednesday 5 July 2017



Do you wonder why people call you 'boss', 'alayé', 'olowo' etc., despite them not knowing the state of your bank account? It's because you are able to cover this bill month in and month out.
This bill is the first determinant of the way people treat you within your community. You earn respect when you don't make a drama out of paying this bill, and you become the butt of the joke when you go cap in hand begging for money each time you need to settle this bill.

This bill is the reason why you are tolerating them at your place of work.
This is the bill that makes it hard for you to call-in sick.
This bill is the reason why you find that dream of yours impossible to achieve anytime to try to give it a go.

This bill leaves you with a bittersweet feeling each time you cover it. While you are happy that your nakedness has been covered yet again, a ting of sadness is aroused when you look at the very little you have left, which is barely sufficient to stretch across all the other areas of need.
You become despondent because there's no satisfaction in this sense of purpose. You can't make meaning out of life if this is what it's all about-- work - pay bills - die.

The reminders you have set for the repeat payment of this bill slaps you back to the reality of the race you are in - It's a never-ending race. This is the bill of survival.