Friday 24 July 2015

Don't get played

They'll call you to a little corner to tell you of how hard you are being made to work for less pay.

They'll remind you of how the management don't appreciate the hard work you put into doing the work you are getting paid for.

They'll tell you not to get comfortable where you are because the grass is greener in other lands.

Then, they close by telling you that they are already plotting their own exit plans too, and won't be staying in the job for much longer.

After they are done with sowing this seed of bitterness in you, they stand back and watch you water the plant to germination,(they enjoy this process) coming occassionally to help you water it whenever they see that you have neglected it.

After you have heard these words, you become mentally tired and stressed. The job that used to be relatively easy now becomes cumbersome.
You no longer take pleasure in doing anything. Your smile is gone; your pride is taken away.

These things are constantly playing in your head: you want more money. You want less work. You want to be appreaciated.

You become disconnected and lazy.

The management, unable to condone your unproductivity anylonger will kick you out before your negative vibe infect others.

Clap for yourself, you have been played. You have willingly cooperated with the manipulators to add you to their growing list of victims.

Chance will bring you and these people together again years later for the final shocker.
These people will tell you that they are still at the same place of work. What of the exit plans they had, you'll ask?
They'll tell you they didn't have to carry it out anylonger because 'bread crumbs is better than no bread', and by the way, they are now being treated well and enjoying the place.
They'll then scold you for your act of foolishness, and for letting your emotions get in the way of your thinking.

These people are not only found in the places of work, they are constantly lurking around marriages, they are circling around entrepreneurs, they are breathing down your neck at that important moment of making life-defining decision.

Watch it! Don't make your life a fertile ground for them to sow negative seeds.
If you need to change your job, let it be your own decision, and until then, enjoy it and put in your best.
If you need to quit your marriage, make it your own decision.
If you need to change your business, make it your own decision.

Stay in charge of your own mind. Rule your own affairs.