Friday 10 October 2014



I hope when i get to the top i'll still retain good ears for music
And the beats of the Sycophants i'll refuse to dance
I hope when i get to the top i'll still be able to see clearly
And the dizziness of the height not blur my vision
I hope when i get to the top i'll still be approachable
And remain graceful in sublimity
I hope when i get to the top i'll choose my new friends wisely
And reject the invite of the impious
I hope when i get to the top i'll still be wise
And not stir up hatred with grandiose living
I hope when i get to the top i'll not loosen the strings of my helmet
Reminding myself that the head is the target at the top

Thursday 9 October 2014

Eso Pele


This track is dedicated to Linda Ikeji, a woman who lived like she had no enemies.
I am not here to rejoice over her current predicament, i have nothing to gain from it, i only want to highlight some vital points for the benefit of the rest of us. E sa mo wipe agba to jin si koto, ogbon lo ye ko ko awon to nbo lehin. Unfortunately, we don't usually take our time to study other people's mistakes and learn from them not to repeat the same.
This is the secret behind the man i have become today. I learn from the mistakes and success stories of people. I don't laugh at the downfall of people, rather i critically analyse the things they have done wrong that i need to avoid.
Ko s'eni to gbon tan n'ile aye, gbogbo wa si nko eko ni. In that light of this understanding, i am not writing from the stance of 'Mr Too-sabi' but just sharing valuable lessons which i have learnt from her matter.
Let me begin by establishing these facts:
1. THERE ARE ENEMIES. Don't live your life like you have none. There are people who are hell-bent on pulling you down the moment they realise you are rising.
2. ENEMIES CANNOT GET YOU WITHOUT YOUR INVOLVEMENT. You need to be wiser than your enemies and not play into their hands. The only way they can succeed in their plans over you is when you play into their hands. Keep your cards close to your chest.
The first out of the many errors Linda commited was that she lived like she had no enemies yet we all know how fast she was accumulating them.
Even when these enemies never hid their intentions in bringing her down, she carried on like they never existed until they caught up with her.
Lesson: There are enemies. Do not play into their hands. Always be a step ahead of your enemies.
Secondly, like most Nigerians, Linda had no regard for rules or authority. She lived the life 'who want catch me' forgetting that her kind of business is borderless, and cannot hide behind the curtain of lawlessness and corrupt legal system in Nigeria.
Plagiarism is a serious offence in the western world, but 'no be big deal' for Nigeria.
There is a division wether plagiarism can be an offence on a gossip blog or not. I am not a lawyer but i think yes it is.
The catch in the blogging world is the traffic. News drive traffic. So in essence, taking other people's stories wihout reference, to drive traffic to your site inorder to generate money is an offence.
About 1 or 2 years ago, Ruggedman copied one of my write-ups and passed them off on his twitter page as his. Linda, seeing it was hot, copied all and equally pasted on her blog. Chai!...come and see mad traffic jam. I didn't know this because i don't visit her blog but some friends who read the article earlier on my FB page called my attention to it after they had already scattered the whole place urging both parties to do the needful and give credit to the original owner.
Did any of them respond? NO! They arrogantly called my bluff.
So what did i do? NOTHING!
Lesson: Always learn the rules before you break them. Don't live arrogantly thinking you can get away with everything.
Thirdly, i think Linda's success went into her head and she could no longer think straight.
She left undone what she should have, and was doing things that were not neccessary.
She should have bought a personal domain name and back up her contents knowingfully well that she was on a free site that can be closed anytime.
She was showing off her range of automobiles and Rolex writswatch which was unneccessary.
She could afford a N45m SUV but not a $10 domain. All the domain names relating to hers have been purchased by domain squatters who were thinking far ahead of her. Only God knows how much she'll be asked to pay if she decides to buy one off them.
Her company is not even incorporated so if a big company like Daily Mail, which she palgiarised decided to prosecute her, she'll be personally liable.
She is not the only plagiarist blogger but she was targeted because of how she exposed herself.
Lesson: When one's yam is matured, you don't flaunt it. Just eat it codedly. Apply caution in everything you do.
Ti eniti o de loni la ri. A o mo ti eniti o mbo lola. E je ka fi eyi kogbon.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Respect yourself. You are a guest!

It's unbelivable how quickly people forget the capacity in which they have been invited to a function as soon as they are there, and start to act differently.

If you have been invited as a guest to a baby christening for example, you are there in the capacity of a guest and not as the official photographer.

Now let's look at the difference between the two for the benefits of those who don't know.

Guest:This is defined as someone invited to a particular social occasion.

Official Photographer: This is defined as the person (Pro or semi-pro) assigned by the celebrant or organiser to take photographs at the event.

It is very clear from these definitions that a guest do not have any role at the ceremony other than just to follow the order of event, while the official photographer is also not expected to sit like a guest but rather move around to capture special moments of the day.

Thank God for your tablets, pads and super-mega pixels camera phones, but the truth is you as a guest should not be struggling with the official photographer to take photographs at any social event.
I have been to a social gathering where a fight almost broke out between the official photographer and a stubborn guest who was always getting in his way with her Ipad.

The worst part of it all after taking these pictures, is that you then share them on social media without being asked. That is simply gross!
I have no problem with you sharing the photos of yourself at the event but you do not publicly share those of the celebrants or friends without their permission. Maybe they do not want the pictures of their new born baby in you care?!
You might have UNOFFICIALLY taken some nice shots which you think they'll love to have, try find out other ways of privately sharing these with them. If you don't know these tricks then ask!
Stop putting people's stuffs in public without their permission. Respect the privacy of others.

Likewise as a guest, it is not your role to help the caterers serve food and drinks. They have been paid to do that. Only make requests.
Do not leave your sit to go to the food table unless it is a buffet. And do not go until your table is called.

Do not leave your sit to go to the Dj's table to suggest tracks to him. It is not your duty. You are a guest! If you don't like what the Dj is spinning, TAKE YOUR LEAVE!

When the celebrants are dancing allow them until you are called. Do not go to the dancefloor to help them pick money. You are a guest!

Lastly when you are invited to an event, please do not go with 8 other people whose names are not on the invite given to you. If the host have arranged to feed 200 guests, then you would have single-handedly ruined all the plan by bringing along uninvited folks.
Also if the invite reads "and family", please ask if they mean nuclear or extended before you all turn up in a lorry.

Likewise communicate back to the host if you would not be able to honour the invite. Certain events involve table-booking and all that stuffs, so it is important they know precisely how many people they are expecting.
In this type of gathering, it is very likely that you'll pay for your food (hmm...asa palapala), if you are not sure please ask that you don't chop gbese!
