Sunday 2 February 2014


Watching Arsenal's game against West Ham today, i took a reflective look at life vis-a-vis what was happening during the game.

We missed so many chances with Giroud being the main culprit, not because he did not work hard enough but things weren't  just working for him.
I took a look at life when you put in all the hard work but things don't just work out. Those times you try and put yourself in good positions but then all the opportunities just slip by. Those times when the results you get do not measure up to the shifts you have put in.

I watched his face when Walcott got the first goal with the slightest of effort. The goal wasn't meant to go in with 3 defenders infront on him plus the goal keeper. The touch was more of a roll-in than a strike but somehow the ball was in the back of the net. As if that was not enough, the same player scored his second through an unexpected means- His head (He never scores with his head).
I found out this also happens a lot in life where you see people who are succeeding with little or no effort. Things just work out for them while you stand there asking what else do you need to do to get the desired result?

I saw him laid the ball for Podolski to score the third goal and the whole stadium erupted in the chants of his name as their new hero.
I reflected on those moments when you help others achieve their goals and you still can't seem to get your own life in order. While those you have assisted are celebrating the moments you have helped them create, your own wait for a breakthrough seems endless.

I saw him trudged off the pitch when the board was raised for him to come off- he was no longer the favourite of the crowd. He was not applauded for all his efforts in the game, as long as he has NO GOAL to his name no one was bothered about him.
It is the same in life; People celebrate only achievers, they care less about the effort you are making or means you are taking. They are impatient and soon will be calling you a failure once you have NOTHING to show. "Eniti kòkó e ba yè oun lo mo ló"

I put myself in Giroud's shoes today and i can identify with the bad patch he's going through on the football pitch with my personal life- WHEN NOTHING SEEMS TO BE WORKING.

The positives from the story are:

1. His own lack of goals did not stop him from helping a mate create one. Don't allow whatever you are going through to stop you from helping others. Oore ni oore nwo tò.

2. In his sad moments, he was still celebrating with his mates who are banging in goals. Ma binu eniti o n da fun. Ba alayo yo.

3.  Until when he was substituted  he never stopped running, working hard and getting into the right positions. As long as you keep doing these things, iyanu a sele lojo kan.